LJ has set all photostreams (photo albums) to Public

Apr 12, 2017 20:53

Someone in one of my closed comms just posted the following notice:

Are you all aware of the changes to your accounts?
Just wanted to check in and make sure that you all know that your scrapbooks are now all set to public by LJ. The TOS has changed as we know, but they sneaked that public change in under the wire.

I just checked mine, and it looks like she's right.

To check yours, click your username in the upper right corner, then select SCRAPBOOK from the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, go straight there with YOURNAME.livejournal.com/photo/ and open any of your photo albums.

You'll see a globe icon with the word PUBLIC next to it:

If you want to change the security setting on the photo album, click the tiny pencil icon next to the photo album name. This activates the EDIT ALBUM pop-up window. Click on the SECURITY drop-down to choose a different setting, then click SAVE.

I don't have any videos uploaded so I can't be sure, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that all Videostreams have been set to public also.

I suspect this is a garden-variety LJ hiccup, rather than something more sinister - but either way, if you have albums that you want to keep restricted, you should go and reset their security settings now.

lj: oh for fuck's sake

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