Something or other (30 minutes in the making)

Oct 01, 2006 01:58

"Fire in the disco! Fire in the Taco Bell! ... Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires? It's my desire! It's my desire! ... Danger, Danger, High Voltage, when we touch, When we kiss..."

Electric Six really is a good band. I like them. And I like most of their songs, which is rare for me. It's really only happened on Astrolounge. heh.

I've got another job if I want it. This means 2 jobs. This means ~30 hours a week working, PLUS class. I basically get thrown into html and coldfusion with what they want and I get to figure it out and then do it. Sounds basically like my class. Hey, it'll be $9.50 an hour and might get up to $10 after like a month. Plus I need money! This may be coming at a good time, since I feel bored of the stuff I normally entertain myself with. There's going to be a point soon where I will be eternally bored unless I get what I want. And no, I don't just mean get my way. Okay.

I am kinda talking about being roommates with someone, but I don't know. I would definitely like to, and I am getting really, really tired of the dorms and all they entail, but I don't know if it would really work. Plus, I bet I should spend more time with them anyways, since I don't know them all that well. And I don't know if it would be for next semester, or next year. Next semester would work, I guess, but that would probably be annoying to set up. Anyways...

Stuff happens, and people are here. But some people leave, and I don't want them to. I want them to stay forever. But even when they leave, stuff still happens. Nothing changes, but it keeps going on. Forever. Will it stop? Do I want it to? Is it even supposed to? I don't know. Does anyone? Who knows!

"This is an evil generation, I've seen it with my eyes. ... Evil girls biting good girls turning good girls into evil girls. Evil boys eating evil hamburgers evil boys eating evil fries. This is an evil generation, Rock and Roll Evacuation! As far as the eye can see. Hey Hey Hey Hey. Tune into this radio station! Rock and Roll Evacuation! ..."
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