May 10, 2007 20:51
I've been back in Ajax (and away from my parents) for over a month now. During that time I have:
-hit the gym consistently with my friend Seth
-applied for a number of jobs, some journalism related, others of the more everyday variety (retail, few restaurants)
-completed five stories for the Uxbridge newspaper at the request of my former Ajax editor Dave Stell
-kept on top of my bills
-seen a few of my friends a great deal more than I did all of last year
-the coup de grace, got a job as a weekend freelancer for the Oshawa This Week. Basically I get guaranteed work every weekend, so I guess you could call it full time part time. And I am once again writing for the same publication as Mr. Shawn Cayley!
So, I guess you could say things are going well. It's funny, cause the morning I got the call for the interview at This Week, I was at a pretty low point just thinking of my lack of job hunting success and my dwindling resources. It was starting to feel like this would just be a three month excursion.
And then whammo! An opportunity presents itself, to earn some money, to keep my foot in the journalism door, get my name out there, build up my portfolio, etc. And my work on 411 puts my foot in the door on the entertainment side which is what I'm really into. As for creative writing, I still have to pick up the slack on that side. But me and my friend Seth have been discussing certain collaborations and ideas that I think are quite promising... there may be interesting ways for me to earn some money writing creatively in the future.
So my weekends are taken care of with paying work... now I need something during the week to supplement my income. I'd prefer something in retail, or even better at an entertainment magazine (there's a certain downtown mag I plan on inundating with resumes). If this move is going to become permanent, it'd be nice to get into my own place (with some friends of course).
I'm slowly getting used to life without the parents... living with the relatives makes for a somewhat smooth transition, at least half of the way to being 'on my own'. Or just really, taking more responsibility for myself then I have in the past. Now that I'm getting used to being away from my parents, the prospect of getting a place with my friends seems pretty exciting and not nearly as fearful as it used to. Four or five guys, rent a nice house and split the cost, it'd be pretty sweet!
Hopefully I'll have more to report in a month's time.