
Feb 20, 2012 09:36

I've been trying to find a site good for blogging just to get my creative juices flowing.  I tried tumblr, but there are just too many distraction for it to be a serious blog.  Don't get me wrong, I love tumblr, but I just am not able to sit down and actually get words down on the page.  I know there are a lot of fandom groups here but, as far as I am able to tell, it's not as easy to just scroll through thousands of posts everyday for long periods of time.  I'm thinking that, along with the blogging, I will write some fanfiction or even some stuff of my own.  Who knows.  I know this post sounds really rough and scrambled, but that's just how my brain works after I've had a lot of studying to do.  Four exams back-to-back this last week.  My professors just love to make our lives a living hell, don't they?  Not really, actually, I like most of my teachers.  They inspire me to do what I like to do and chase my education.  So cheesy, I know, but it's so true.  God, this writing is terrible.  I doubt many people will read this post but, hopefully I'll get better at this blogging thing.  I don't know.  I've always been a bit skeptical about blogging because it seems like I could mess it up real easily, but I will try my best to get my feelings and experiences out there in the most intelligent and interesting way that I can.  I had an idea of what I wanted to write when I started this post, but I think I kind of lost it.  Well maybe if I have a road to follow, I can begin to make more sense.  Bleh, I'm having difficulty getting into a comfortable position on this sofa and finding my muse, but I'm going to try to explain the reasons why I am trying my hand at this blogging thing.  Sounds like a mouthful already.

Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to do so many things with my life.  I was one of those kids that, if I was asked what I wanted to be when I got older, I would have a different answer each time.  I was also one of those kids whose parents put them in everything they could.  I did ballet, tap dancing, soccer, piano, tennis, volleyball, basketball, guitar.  I wanted to do all these things and I wanted to do them all perfectly.  I wanted to be the best.  But until just a year or so ago when I discovered that was impossible, I have been at a loss as to what to live for.  The need to satisfy the people around me, especially my parents, had been my driving force throughout childhood.  But I realized I needed to satisfy myself as well.  It wash hard, and believe me, I've been thinking about it a lot.  Through blogging, I hope to discover what that thing is, what it is that will motivate me to work hard and succeed.  A goal.  My life.  My goodness this is getting cheesier and cheesier by the sentence.  Let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm a student at Western Washington located in Bellingham, WA and I am 18-years-old.  I have a little brother and a little sister, ages 7 and 13 respectively.  I absolutely love Sherlock Holmes, but then again, who doesn't these days?  Haha.  Consequently, I am a huge fan of Benedict Cumberbatch and I will be honest, the first thing I saw him in was BBC Sherlock, but since then I have been obsessed and will read any article and watch any show I can find with him in it.  I am glad to say, that I have not been disappointed with his performances, ever.  He is an absolutely fantastic actor and, an added bonus, extremely attractive.  For me, fandoms come and go and my discoveries of "new favorites", as my mom calls them, are usually by chance.  The night I discovered Benedict Cumberbatch, for example, my mom, sister, and I were looking for something interesting to watch on Netflix.  At a loss, we decided to watch the first Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movie that came out, just because it was one of our favorites, but then we stumbled across BBC Sherlock.  It was love at first sight and the rest is history, for me at least.  But we'll see how long it lasts.

Well, that's about all I have the energy to write for now.  I will try to continue to blog when I can.  Hopefully, I can manage to do it once a day or at the very least every other day.

introduction, livejournal, blogging, welcome, life

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