Always - Roslin/Adama Fic

Jan 02, 2010 00:10

Title: Always

Rating: T

Disclaimer: All characters belong to the rightful creators of Battlestar Galactica. I do not own Bill Adama or Laura Roslin. Though, I wouldn't mind owning a Bill Adama. Just saying.

Type: Drama

Summary: She will always be with him, no matter what.

Author's Note: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. Arn't you all excited!? I didn't have a beta reader for this, so all mistakes or mine. *Face Palm* I wrote this on a whim...I was having a bad/sad day and I was watching some BSG and was like OMGS. I have to write something. I have fixed it up a bit and rewrote a few things. Hopefully its up to the standards that I once held. Enjoy!


It's a beautiful place, isn't it?
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