Vid rec

Jan 19, 2011 17:03

I haven't seen many vids recently but few of them blew my mind/cheered me up. They are not so new and probably recommended by many other people but I'm posting them here too anyway.

* First, a Fringe vid that blew my mind with it's perfection. If you are not watching the show this vid will surely make you change your mind. Made by one of my fav vidder hollywoodgrrl vid is mainly focused on one of my fav character - Olivia.
Watch it, or better yet, download it, here ---> BOOM BOOM POW

* The second one just makes me unusually happy when I watch it. It's a Scrubs, "dancing", and just feel good vid made by littleheaven.
Watch/download it here(streaming isn't working well for me)---> DANCE ACROSS THE FLOOR"

* Third one is really old, like 2009 old, Leverage vid made by dangen but really, really good one. I can't remember seeing a better Leverage vid than this one. it is focused on Hardison.
Watch/download it here ---> START THE COMMOTION

....and I have more :)

* Next is a new BSG vid (that I haven't even commented on yet) and I'll save my praising for that. Made by nicole_anell and it's about Baltar, naturally :)
Watch/download it here ---> CAROL BROWN

* And just two more (2009 again) BSG vids. I'm reccing them because they are completely unusual, not the kind of BSG vids you usually get to see, and very well done. Fast(&furious), with lots of effects, they give a whole new perspective of Starbuck &/or Apollo. (You know I'm not a fan of those two but these vids are worth watching believe me :) )
Made bu canadiangirl_86
Watch/download it here ---> TEAR YOU APART and WILD STARBUCK"

vid rec

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