Two short fanvids - Dollhouse & Harper's Island

Oct 14, 2009 13:50

First one I made for a challenge at whedonland. The challenge was to make a vid about the show with max length of 10 seconds. For some stupid reason I thought it's supposed to be a 5 sec vid so that's what I originally made. (I think the reason was that I was looking at the examples on YT that suddenly changed from 10 to 5 seconds...*shrugs*) Anyway, I changed it to 10 seconds but I think I could have done a much better job if I had planned 10 seconds from the start. Here it is:

Dollhouse in 10 seconds

image Click to view

The other one I made for fun only. I saw Harper's Island a month or two ago and never really thought about making a vid about it, but then I heard this theme (Kan Kan) on the radio and my (sick ?) mind immediately thought of Harper's
At one point I was thinking of combining it with cartoons (as a way of showing how much violence kids can watch every day) but I quickly abandoned that idea 'cos I don't have that much material to work with and it would take me weeks to remember and find it.
So, I played only with Harper's Island show and believe me, it has enough murders, blood and gore to fill every beat of this song.

Spoilers: The whole show
Length: 1:11
Genre: dark comedy maybe...?
Download link:(27MB) HERE

Wakefield's Dance
This video includes images of extreme brutality and explicit violence!

image Click to view

whedonland, my fanvids, dollhouse

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