Terminator Movie vs. TSCC & Leverage!!!

Aug 06, 2009 19:43

After rewatching Terminator - The Sara Connor Chronicles it was only natural to watch Terminator -Salvation movie so that's what I did, with great expectations naturally..

Terminator movie SUCKS! ....and TSCC is cancelled...there is no justice in this world *cries*

I wanted so much to write about all the reasons why I didn't like this movie but then I decided it's not even worth the trouble.

Even comparing it to TSCC feels wrong and insulting TO ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON TV THAT GOT CANCELLED!

In other news...Leverage ROCKS! (Watched S1 only)

Anyone know some comm on LJ where I can find Leverage icons???
I sooo want one with Eliot connecting usb to a cassette, preferably a gif :D
(and my next geeky post will explain why...lol)

Edit: I was away for a few days and I am certain I missed someones birthday. And I can't remember. I had that announcement on my home page and now it's gone.
What I'm saying is...I'm sorry...
That's what happens when you turn off all messages and e-mails on LJ. Now I'll HAVE TO fix that.

tv shows

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