Not Another Plastic Christmas: A Clexmas Gift Exchange
If you've been one of those people dismayed at the lack of Clex in the fandom lately, I strongly urge you to participate in some form. On my poll I got six people saying that they would, so I expect to at least get that many, and I hope there will be more. This is for the boys, after all! The reason for the season show.
What to Do:
1) Email with the following:
What you can do: (fic, vid, icons, art, etc.)
What you can't/won't do: (fic, vid, icons, art, etc.)
Your specialty: (bondage kink, mpreg)
Turn offs: (bondage kink, mpreg)
What you would like to receive in your present: (old school clex, red k, mpreg)
Lump of coal- what you don't want to see: (princeth Lana, schmoop, non-con, earwigs)
2) Wait.
3) On November 25 assignments will be given out. I will do everything I can to make sure that you get something that you don't hate.
4) Write/manip/vid.
5) Email the link to your work to
6) I'll post the links for the presents on December 25 at
1) All gifts for this exchange must be created by the person participating themselves.
2) No reusing old material, please.
3) In the interest of allowing participants to give what they can, do not ask for specific media for your gift. Instead, fill out the 'would like to see' portion of the app and allow us to match you up to someone who might be able to fulfill that desire.
4) All participants should complete their assignments. Don't sign up if you're going to punk. Let us know if you are going to have trouble with the assignment, and we will try to do something about it.
5) By December 25, have your gift posted somewhere and link it to the post for the gift collection (or here). I'll post a full set of the links to
I hope everyone is able to enjoy this and participate. I know many of us got into this fandom for the Clex. Use the season to share the love!