Oct 25, 2004 21:09
Title: Dance
Fandom: BtVS - Season 5, I suppose. Spawn friendship/sort-of romance
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon's the genius. NOT me!
Challenge #56: Twist and Shout
"Hey Spike," Dawn greeted, entering the musty crypt.
"Nibblet!" He turned off Passions and looked up. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"I just finished my dance lesson, and I decided to come visit," she grinned.
"Dancing? Please tell me Big Sis approves."
"Of course. It's ballroom. Like, waltz and stuff. Here, I'll show you." Dawn stepped towards him. "Okay, now put your right hand behind my shoulder, and I'll hold your left hand... like so."
She found his eyes and blushed.
"I know how it goes, love," he smiled softly as he led their first dance.