Dear Slayer

Aug 07, 2010 22:50

Title: Dear Slayer
Author: chalkyhands
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Buffy/Spike
Disclaimer: The show belongs to Joss and his associates.
Warnings: Explicit and graphic rape and violence. No, Spike doesn't rape Buffy (or vice versa).
Notes: This is set in a vague Season 5. Riley is gone, and Spike hasn't told Buffy he loves her yet.
Word Count: 7,777 words
Summary: A sadistic ex-watcher, Arthur, kidnaps both Buffy and Spike. The two are forced to weather Arthur's brutal abuse until Buffy hits the breaking point.

8/10/10 Edit: The final scene has been revised due to some critical feedback. It was originally written from Spike's viewpoint. This was a mistake. I've rewritten it from Buffy's viewpoint as I feel it better fits this fanfic.

Buffy woke up on a strange pillow.

It wasn't hers. The bed wasn't hers either. The last vestiges of sleep vanished quickly as the shock of her surroundings kicked in.

"Bout time you woke up."

Buffy rose to a kneeling position on the bed. Spike stood in the far corner of the room, cigarette dangling from his mouth. The bed was small and cheap. No sheets. Just box springs, a mattress, and a pillow. A stained pillow. Buffy rubbed her face.

"Spike, what is this?" Buffy tried to swing her legs over the side of the bed, but something stopped her. Like an invisible wall.

Spike blew out some smoke. "Yeah, figured that might happen. I got one of them, too. Some mystical field or whatsit caging us in."

"It's caging me on the bed?"

"Looks like."

Buffy would have punched him at that point had she been able to. He was acting far too cavalier.

"So, what's the plan, Spike?"

His eyebrows rose in a hurt expression. "Hey, don't look at me! Woke up here, just like you. Well, without the comfy accommodations."

Buffy still didn't trust him, but she couldn't do anything from her current position. She reached a hand out, feeling the edges of the barrier. It went all the way around the bed. When she stood, she found it extended as far as she could reach, too. She crouched back down, considering her options. There wasn't much else in the room. A shelf by the door held an assortment of books and a stake (one of hers?). No windows. Only one door. Plain wallpaper. No kitschy paintings.

Just then, the door opened and a short, portly man entered. He was balding with thin-rimmed glasses hanging on the edge of his nose. He wore a Giles-esque suit and carried a folder.

"Ah, Ms. Summers. You're awake." He had a British accent. A watcher?

It was difficult to look intimidating while sitting on a bed, but Buffy tried her hardest. "Who are you?"

"Of course. I'm Arthur Wellington. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Arthur's attention was drawn to Spike. "And you, as well. William the Bloody. This is...well, this is quite a day for me."

"You're a watcher," Spike said. He looked at Buffy. "Got one of those nancy accents. Plus, he reeks of books and spells."

"Uh huh. So why have the watchers taken me - and Spike - during our sleep? And what's with the invisible wall here?"

Buffy imagined that if he weren't engaging in typical British restraint, Arthur would be bouncing on his feet. "I was a watcher, yes. Not anymore, I'm afraid, though I do continue to engage in a special interest in slayers. That would be why you're here."

Somehow, his words alerted Buffy to the fact that Arthur's gaze roamed up and down her body. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, aware that the thin tank top she was wearing didn't hide much.

"Okay, Arthur," she said, still maintaining an air of confidence. "Tell me why I'm here."

"And why I'm here," Spike added.

"Oh, I thought the great slayer killer, William the Bloody, would enjoy being here for this." Arthur set the folder down on the shelf and approached the bed. "You're a powerful girl, Ms. Summers. Quite frankly, you're usually the strongest girl in the world. I've rectified that, of course."

"Rectified...?" Buffy began to lose her composure.

"I study a great deal of magic, as you can tell. I stumbled upon a spell that effectively mutes your powers. You'll find you have the average strength of any other young girl your age. Maybe a bit less. It can be easy to overdo these spells."

Buffy recognized a sinking sensation in her stomach that she hadn't felt since she'd turned eighteen and Giles had poisoned her. The door seemed very far away, and she knew she couldn't reach it anyway. This man was bad news.

He moved closer. "The one chosen girl in all the world...why don't we take a look at you? That barrier is for you, only. I still have access."

Then he was on her. Buffy distantly heard Spike yelling something, but that was just background. Her ears were full of her own shouts of protest as well as the noisy grunts of Arthur's efforts. He'd grabbed the hem of her shirt and yanked up. Normally, one good shove from her would send him across the room. Not now, though. Now she pushed and kicked, but the weight of his body still overpowered her. The tank top was ripped off and thrown across the room. Buffy attempted to gouge Arthur's eyes, but a firm backhanded slap from him sent her flying back onto the mattress. The force of the blow dazed her enough that he got a start on pulling her sweat pants down her legs.

She kicked. She kicked and screamed, but it didn't do a damned thing. She was naked when Arthur stepped back to appraise his work.

He was wheezing in exertion, but he was smiling. His gaze devoured her, and Buffy wished for a sheet or anything to cover herself. She hunched in on herself in an effort to obstruct his view.

"Well, that was exhilarating," Arthur said. He turned to Spike. "Wouldn't you say, William?"

Spike's eyes smoldered. His jaw clenched but he remained silent.

Arthur laughed. "I'm so excited! I apologize, though, I have a prior engagement to tend do." He looked back at Buffy. "I look forward to spending more time with you, dear Slayer."

Buffy's body shook, but she remained frozen still. She mentally prepared herself for whatever mocking comment Spike was going to make. She knew he would. The only thing worse than being in this situation was being in it with Spike watching.

After a long few minutes, Spike spoke: "He thinks I'm enjoying the show. Figure I can use that somehow. Wait till he takes down this bloody barrier and then...fuck if I know, but do something."

Buffy was surprised enough that she forgot her current nakedness and snapped her attention to Spike. He wasn't looking at her. His eyes remained glued to the corner of the room.

"You're gonna help?" Buffy hated how her voice trembled. The last word wavering as it was almost overwhelmed with the tears she fought back. She swallowed them down.

Spike looked at her - her, not her breasts. "Course I'm gonna help. Think I enjoy watching some sodding wanker of a watcher have his way with the slayer?" He shook his head. "Slayer deserves better than that."

Buffy couldn't help the defensive reaction that arose. Words were the only weapon she had left. "Yeah, slayers deserve to be killed, right?"

Spike's eyes widened in anger. "Fine. Fuck it. Once again, Spike trying to be nice, but I don't get a lick of gratitude from you. Think I'll just sit back and enjoy the show, then, Slayer. Watch him while he rapes you, how about that? Figure you could use a good shag ever since Mr. Tall and Boring left."

Buffy trembled with anger but couldn't think of a response. Spike eventually exhaled a frustrated breath and grabbed a cigarette from his pocket. He sat down with his back against the wall, studiously not looking at Buffy.

Buffy scooched herself back into the corner of the bed so she could also rest against the wall. She held the pillow against her chest and thought of escape.

* * * * *

She didn't fall asleep, but she did almost convince herself that she may be dreaming. The artificial light of the room eventually combined with the silence to give the atmosphere a surreal, dreamlike quality. Buffy also calmed down. Her heart wasn't beating near as fast, and her thoughts had slowed. She didn't have to worry about escape. She just had to think about waking up.

It was Spike standing up that broke the spell. His first movement in a long while knocked Buffy from her wistful daydream. The room snapped back to reality, and she gripped the pillow tighter. She still hadn't thought of any way out of this.

Moments after Spike had stood, Arthur entered the room. His suit jacket was gone. He smiled at Buffy as he came in. A chill shivered down Buffy's spine.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten about you, dear Slayer," Arthur said as if that were reassuring. He began unbuttoning his shirt while he uttered a phrase in Latin.

Buffy's arms slammed back against the wall and iron cuffs secured around them. Her legs were still free, but her upper body was restrained. She knew struggling would be useless, but she did it anyway.

"See? Magic is so handy." Arthur neatly placed his folded shirt on the shelf by the door before advancing toward her.

His hand caressed her cheek, down her neck, and lingered on her breasts. Buffy violently tugged against the restraints.

"When I get free, I will kill you," she said. She tried to look threatening, though she knew she probably wasn't doing a good job in this position.

Arthur just laughed and squeezed her breast. "Such tiny titties. Well, you are a scrawny one, I suppose." He pinched her right nipple hard. Buffy hid her wince.

"I hope you don't mind," Arthur continued. "I like to take my time with my slayers. Each one is such a rare treasure. They deserve to be savored."

Before Buffy realized what he was doing, he'd leaned forward and captured her mouth in a kiss. He tasted like sandpaper coated in dust. Buffy bit his lip as hard as she could. He reared back and struck her, sending her head colliding with the wall. Not content with just one blow, though, he pummeled her a couple other times for good measure. It took several minutes for Buffy's head to settle. By then, Arthur was carefully wiping his bloody lip with a handkerchief. He looked annoyed.

"I'm not adverse to punishing you, dear Slayer. Not when you pull something like that."

Buffy tried to shake her hair away from her face. Without her hands free, she didn't have any way to compose herself. She felt she was breaking apart.

Arthur discarded the handkerchief on the shelf and moved forward again.

"Now, I expect no more resistance from you, or the next punishment will be far more painful."

She hated that his threat actually sent a shock of fear through her.

His hand resumed lower down this time, immediately resting on her pubic bone. He grinned. "I suppose it's to stereotype that a girl from California would shave. It looks very attractive." He made eye contact with her. "You were just waiting for some bloke to come along and ravish you, weren't you? I know how you girls are."

Arthur moved his hand lower still, trying to pry her legs open. She resisted halfheartedly. Her reluctance to see what other punishments he was willing to mete out tempered her defense.

In the end, he had to get fully on the bed to force her thighs open with his own legs pinning them to each side. Buffy closed her eyes and looked away. She didn't see him honing in on the way her spread legs opened her labia for his perusal. No, she felt it instead. Thick hands bluntly inserted into her vagina two fingers at a time. They scissored inside her. Buffy tried to move her hips away from him, but she hit the wall behind her and he was still inside.

"How many men have you let fuck you, dear Slayer?" Arthur's voice was breathy now. He panted in excitement. "I've heard you fucked a vampire. Filthy girl. Bet William the Bloody would like a bit of your pussy."

She'd almost forgotten about Spike watching this whole thing. She tensed, but she couldn't resist opening her eyes to see his reaction. She thought he would be watching intently, maybe with that aggravating grin of his. Instead, though, he was looking away. That was strange.

So strange, she almost managed to forget what Arthur was doing to her until he withdrew his fingers from her vagina and slipped them in her ass.

She jumped. He laughed. "Now, I'm betting this is uncharted territory for you, isn't it? I look forward to that."

As uncomfortable as his fondling of her vagina was, this was ten times worse.

"Cunt's not very wet, though," Arthur continued. "That'll make things difficult. Well, more painful for you. Not a problem for me, really."

Then his hands were gone. Arthur stood up on the mattress which put his crotch right at Buffy's mouth. She turned away in anticipation of what was next.

Arthur unzipped his trousers without much ceremony and let them fall down to his ankles. His boxers followed. His penis was of average length, but it was wider than any Buffy had seen. Not that she'd seen a large number. It was fully erect and bobbing right in front of her.

"Now, I know you're going to be tempted to bite, but I recommend against it. The punishment will be quite harsh if you do."

He pushed the head of his penis against her mouth, but she refused to open. Maybe that was tempting punishment. She wasn't sure. She didn't care. She couldn't bring herself to willingly open her mouth for him.

He reached down and grabbed her nose, choking off her air. She fought against the urge to breathe for a few moments, but she eventually relented and opened her mouth to exhale. As she did, he shoved his penis in.

Then his hands were in her hair, grabbing roughly as he thrust his hips. He grunted with every stab. Buffy's mouth throbbed from being opened so wide, and she fought the urge to gag. He sunk his penis as far in as it could go, jabbing at the back of her through and burying her nose in his pubic hair. Her body jumped as instinct was telling her to expel the foreign object in her throat. Her eyes began to water, and saliva dripped out of her mouth as she fought against her gag reflex. When she vocalized a muffled protest, Arthur withdrew just enough to plunge all the way again.

He fucked her mouth. With each thrust of the hips, her head was jostled back against the wall. Moisture tickled down her chin.

Buffy lost track of time. Instead, she just focused on the pain of her lips stretched too wide, her head banging against the hard wall, her hair being pulled at its roots, her dignity wounded beyond recovery. After a time, Arthur began to speed up. He placed one hand against the wall for better leverage, and the other hand gripped her hair even tighter. His grunts had begun to sound even more overexerted. Finally, he seized up with a cry. Buffy felt the pulse of his penis as he ejaculated in the back of her throat. She swallowed automatically, though she wished she hadn't.

He kept himself in her mouth for a few moments after the orgasm. His penis softened in her, and her jaw began to feel the relief. With a gulping breath, Arthur released her hair and withdrew, stepping off the bed.

"Oh, dear Slayer," he gasped.

Buffy panted for her own breath. His taste lingered in her mouth, coating her throat. She wanted to vomit. Maybe drink a gallon of bleach.

Arthur pulled his boxers and trousers up. "You have an excellent mouth. Thank you for that." He grabbed his shirt and began to put that on as well. "If you'll excuse me. I do have some other matters to take care of now."

When he left, the restraints around Buffy's wrists vanished. She used the opportunity to wipe her mouth and brush her hair back.

She was crying before she knew it. Sometime during the furious post-assault grooming, tears had begun to fall. Once that started, she found herself hunched over with her hand over her mouth, trying not to sob loudly. Better he not hear.

"You alright?"

She'd forgotten about Spike. Again. She didn't want to deal with him and his gloating.

"Don't talk to me," she said with a hoarse voice. She turned away from him so she was facing the corner and leaned against the wall. She'd just cry silently.

"I don't enjoy this," he said. Stupid vampire just didn't know when to stop talking. She ignored him. "Buffy, I want to help."

"Why?" She didn't believe he had any noble intentions in this.

He hesitated. Then: "Case you hadn't noticed, I'm kinda trapped here, too. No blood to be seen for me to drink. Plus, I don't fancy being held prisoner by some watcher reject. Figure it's better the two of us work together to get out."

She turned to him. "And how will we 'work together'?"

"Well, he thinks I'm getting a kick from this, right? Could talk him into releasing my cage. Once that happens, I can take him out."

"Spike, you have a chip."

"Oh, it'll give me a bloody headache from hell, but it'd be worth it."

Buffy turned back to the corner. She was too tired to try to figure out Spike's motivations. She didn't care. "Do what you like."

* * * * *

Buffy startled awake. She hadn't even noticed she'd fallen asleep. She briefly wondered how long ago that had been. Her stomach grumbled and her bladder cried in frustration. Being confined to a bed made alleviating these problems difficult.

Arthur entered. Buffy turned to face the man when Spike spoke. "Hey! Getting a little bored, mate. Not to mention hungry. Don't suppose you plan on providing refreshments?"

This kept Arthur's attention away from Buffy. That was a good.

"I know what you're hungry for, William."

"Enough with the cryptic. I'm tired of being your guest. Appreciate the thought, but I'd rather go my own way, if you don't mind." Spike waved his hand at the invisible barrier.

Arthur considered Spike for a few moments. Then he shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because you're far too transparent. You think you're the first vampire in your position? In any case, that makes you foolish and reckless and, of course, a threat. I'd rather not tempt fate."

The conversation managed to go right over Buffy's head. She had no idea what Arthur was talking about. Spike looked alternately frustrated and crushed. He looked at Buffy with an apology in his eyes. An apology. Spike was apologizing?

"Now, I'm eager to see to my slayer." Arthur turned to Buffy. She shrunk back in an instinctual response and she hated herself for it.

Arthur unbuttoned his shirt as he continued talking. "I've had a number of slayers, as I'm sure you can imagine. We go through them so quickly. You have to get them early or else they're gone. Obviously, it took me a while to get to you. All your friends made that difficult. Slayers are usually more isolated. You presented a challenge."

He let his shirt fall to the floor and stood in front of the bed, peering down at her. "And look at you now. Utterly and completely mine."

Buffy trembled. Her stomach made a gurgling noise. The anxiety wasn't helping the hunger.

"I'm gonna take your cunt now, Slayer."

That was as much forewarning as she was going to get. He was on her in the next instant, pinning her to the bed. No magic restraints this time. Buffy struggled. Of course she struggled. She reacted on slayer instinct, lashing out with moves that would normally have sent him flying. Now, though, they only prompted harsh retaliation. Buffy did the only other thing she could think to do: She peed.

Two birds with one stone, right? Buffy didn't care about how gross it was. She just wanted him off her.

The wrestling subsided as Arthur noticed the warm wetness on the mattress. He paused. Then he laughed.

"Just like a bitch to piss when frightened." He grabbed her by the neck and brought her face up to his. "Do I scare you, Slayer?"

Then he threw her down on her stomach. Her shoulder landed in the puddle of urine she'd left. He immobilized both her arms behind her with one hand, and she could hear the telltale zipper sound as he yanked down his trousers with the other.

"Here you go, William. You get to watch while I fuck her cunt. I'm sure you'll quite enjoy that."

Buffy realized she was facing Spike. She blushed, though she knew it was silly to do so. He'd be able to see her no matter what. He'd already seen her in the most humiliating moment of her life. What was one more?

But it still cut deep to have this play out with Spike as an audience. She kept her head down on the mattress. Anything to keep from looking at him while he watched her get raped.

Her mind tripped on that final word, but it didn't matter. Reality kept moving even though her brain wasn't keeping up.

She had little warning. She felt the head of his penis at her entrance a split second before he slammed himself into her all the way. She screamed. She couldn't not scream. This was unlike anything she'd experienced before.

She wasn't at all wet. The penis ripped the flesh inside her. Arthur didn't hesitate, though. Once in, he thrust with a furious violence. Tears sprang to her eyes as Buffy was bounced by the repetitive motion. It felt like a sword was plunging into her. Not just plunging into her - plunging, withdrawing, then plunging again. Stabbed repeatedly until she was certain she had blood trickling down her thighs.

Buffy gritted her teeth and tried to think of something - anything - else. Anything to take her away from what was happening.

Arthur grabbed her by the hair, though, and forced her head up. "Do have a look at your vampire, slut," Arthur said. His voice was uncharacteristically uncontrolled and gruff. Buffy wanted to keep her eyes closed, but she couldn't resist. She opened them to see Spike. He wasn't looking at her. He paced his small area, keeping his eyes on the ground. Arthur laughed. "What's wrong, William? Thought you'd enjoy seeing the slayer get her comeuppance." Arthur punctuated the end of his sentence with a brutally hard thrust. Buffy yelped.

She closed her eyes. Arthur released her arms to put both hands around her neck, angling her upper body up and back toward him. Somehow, this made the penetration deeper.

"You know you like it," Arthur whispered under his breath. "Slayers like violence and blood. Need a good fucking. Part of their darkness. Your tiny cunt was just begging for me to rip it open with my dick, wasn't it, Slayer?"

Shoes. Buffy would think about the shoes she saw on sale at Dillard's last week. She'd been planning on dropping subtle hints to her mom about wanting them for her birthday. It was a foolproof plan, and Buffy so deserved to have those cute little pumps that would go perfectly with the dress she'd bought last summer that she hadn't been able to wear because the last pair of match-y shoes had gotten ruined during slaying-related activities. Shoes...

Buffy was knocked back to the present when Spike angrily punched the barrier. It made a loud popping noise and shimmered in the air, but it held firm. Spike growled and continued pacing.

Buffy wasn't sure how long this had gone on. It felt like forever. She was almost tempted to offer to help him orgasm, just so he'd stop.

She didn't have to, though. His thrusts sped up, and his moans became more uneven. He shoved her face back down on the bed, pressing her down while he ground his penis into her. With a cry, his body spasmed and he froze. Buffy realized with a sinking feeling that he was ejaculating inside her without a condom or anything. What a banal thing to think at this time.

He fell back on his heels, releasing his hold on her. As he did so, Buffy collapsed onto the bed. All of her limbs were exhausted. Too exhausted to support her. She felt the warmth of blood oozing from her vagina accompanying a throb of agony.

For a moment, the only sound in the room was the heavy breathing of the two of them. Buffy knew should take this opportunity. Overpower him somehow. But it hurt so bad. She didn't think she could bear to move.

After a time, the mattress shifted as Arthur stood up. Buffy tried not to notice her blood on his penis. He cleaned himself up with a handkerchief and discarded it on the bed by her foot. Then he began to dress.

"That," he said. "Was amazing, dear Slayer. You have such a delicious pussy." His trousers done, his shirt on, he turned to leave. "Till next time."

Buffy still didn't move after he left. The urine stain was right by her head. She didn't care. She wanted to fade into the mattress, disappear.

"You - " Spike began to speak but then stopped himself. Buffy didn't respond. She didn't look at him. She just waited for him to finish. "Buffy, you okay?"

She laughed. That had to be the stupidest question he could have asked her. Once she started laughing, she couldn't stop. She curled in on herself and held her stomach as she laughed loudly. Soon, though, the laughter turned into sobs and she stilled.

"Buffy, I promise you. This bastard is going to pay."

She nodded, but she didn't get up. She just closed her eyes and went to sleep.

* * * * *

The pain had died down by the time Buffy awoke. It wasn't gone entirely. She still felt the steady pulsing of pain coursing through her vagina, and she knew walking was going to be difficult. But it wasn't the blistering pain she'd felt prior to sleep.

She gingerly sat up and scooted herself back against the wall. She winced as the movement tore at the fresh wounds.

"Think your slayer healing's still in place?" Spike asked. He was sitting in the corner across the room, watching her distantly.

She shrugged. "Don't think so. It doesn't feel like it. Whatever mojo he worked, it must have been thorough."

"Yeah, but he forgot something."

Buffy felt her hopes perk up. "He did? What?"

"I mean, cause bad guys always forget something. Just..." He looked frustrated. "I always forgot something when I was being bad."

"Unfortunately, not all villains are as incapable as you are, Spike." She didn't mean it to come out harsh, but it did. She expected a furious retort.

She didn't get it. Instead, Spike laughed. "Yeah, I was pretty miserable, wasn't I? Managed to get all chipped up, too."

Buffy smiled. Then a thought occurred to her. "Spike, did you ever rape anybody?"

She didn't look at him, though she could feel his gaze heavy on her.


When she looked up, he was staring at the floor, cigarette in hand.

"Stupid question," she said, trying to end that turn of discussion.

Spike stayed with it, though. "It wasn't really my thing, you know. I mean, I was more into the fights and all. Angelus, though...he turned it into a specialty. He'd've been quite happy with this set up."

Buffy shuddered to think of Angel - no, Angelus - doing this.

Spike continued. "Not gonna lie to you, pet. I did rape from time to time. Cause Dru asked me to or Angelus wanted me to join in the family fun. But it wasn't a pleasure. It wasn't - it isn't something I fathom doing on my own."

"I believe you."

Spike looked up to meet her eyes then. It was hard not to believe him after seeing his reaction to everything that had gone on here. He was upset - enraged. About what had been happening to her. Buffy nudged her thoughts away from that topic. Her chest tightened whenever she started to contemplate being raped. Once she'd become a slayer, it wasn't something she thought about often. Or at all.

"Are you and Harmony still together?" Buffy asked, more to change the subject than anything else.

Spike seemed just as jarred by that question as the last one. "In a sense, yeah. Truthfully, though, there's someone else I've started to fancy."

"New vamp lady in town? She must be laying low, otherwise I would've slayed her by now."

"Don't think I need to worry about that, love."

He gave her a look. A look. Buffy knew he was trying to tell her something, but she found she didn't want to know what. Not right now.

That's when Arthur entered.

Spike immediately jumped to his feet in preparation for whatever was going to happen. Buffy remained where she was. Moving was still painful. She hoped he would just taunt her this time. She couldn't take any more actual abuse.

"Did I interrupt a bonding moment?" Arthur looked between the two of them. Neither spoke. "Don't worry, dear Slayer. I'm done with your cunt for the moment. In fact, I'm hoping to give William a bit of a present this time."

"Yeah?" Spike said. "What's that?"

Arthur spoke in Latin again. This time, Spike was flung back against the wall with iron restraints pinning his wrists to it.

"Hey!" Spike growled. He violently struggled against the restraint but to no avail.

"I know you've been wanting the slayer, William. I'm gonna let you have a taste."

Arthur approached Buffy's bed.

"I don't want it!" Spike said. "Whatever you're thinking of making her do, I don't want it. Not like this." Spike's eyes were wide, imploring.

Buffy just began to clue in on what Spike had been trying to tell her earlier when Arthur grabbed her and pulled her off the bed. The pain of the movement and her collision with the ground left her gasping for breath. Her limbs shook from exertion, but Arthur grabbed her arm and dragged her over to Spike. She passed right through the barrier that had encaged Spike. Arthur's magic was very specific. Buffy's eyes wandered to the door briefly.

"Right, dear Slayer. Why don't you show off your pretty mouth for Mr. Bloody here?"

"Piss off!" Spike said. His panicked expression belied his words, though. He was worried.

"Don't tell me you haven't dreamt of this, William. The slayer on her knees in front of you, submitting to your whims. I know you want it. It's the same thing I want." Arthur unhooked Spike's belt and unzipped his jeans.

"Not my cuppa." Spike fell silent as he looked down at Buffy. She kept her gaze locked on the ground. The better to try to ignore everything.

It was hard to ignore Arthur squeezing her cheeks and forcing Spike's limp penis into her mouth, though.

"You're gonna have to get him started, I'm afraid. It appears William's not living up to his moniker."

Buffy kept her eyes shut. She let Arthur push her head back and forth. Spike's penis began to swell in her mouth.

She figured she was learning the trick to get through this. Don't resist and just think of something else. She could pretend it wasn't even happening. Arthur could do whatever he wanted with her body, and she just wouldn't be in it. Perfect solution.

As she was patting herself on the back, though, she felt something press against her ass. She jumped in surprise, releasing Spike's cock from her mouth.

Rough hands tangled in her hair, pointing her back to Spike. "Keep to your business, slut. I'm just going to have your ass."

Instinct made her reach a hand behind her to push him away. In punishment, he reached between her legs and shoved several fingers into her still-raw vagina. She cried out in pain, her head falling onto Spike's thigh.

He grabbed her hair again, yanking her back up. "I get your ass until he comes. So you better get to work."

With no more preparation, Arthur slammed his hips forward, breaching her entrance and inserting his penis fully into her ass. She screamed in pain and tried to move her hips away. Arthur had a firm grip on them, though.

"Buffy," Spike said. She looked up to see him staring down at her. "I'll make it fast," he said in promise.

Her body shook as Arthur drove his penis into her, and her eyes welled with tears. She nodded.

With her head up, she took Spike back into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, sliding her lips along his length. If she gave him a proper blowjob, he'd come faster. Then this would be over.

It wasn't easy giving a blowjob as Arthur repeatedly stabbed his penis into her. The lower half of her body was almost numb from the pain. She couldn't even ignore it. It took everything she had not to bite down in agony.

Arthur's hands eventually went back to her head, though. He took her control away, fucking Spike's cock with her face. Buffy gagged. Spike was fully erect and was much longer than Arthur had been. She couldn't take him in all the way, but Arthur didn't care. With one hand in her hair, pushing her forward, the other snaked back down to her vagina. He clawed his fingers through the bloodied flesh. Spike's penis bruised the back of her throat.

Buffy gripped Spike's thighs tight. Her instinct was to curl up, protect herself, but she couldn't. Blood from her ass joined that from her vagina. She began to think she may pass out.

"Buffy, look at me," Spike's voice was tightly controlled. She obeyed.

When their eyes met, Spike gasped. He grunted, and his hips jerked. Buffy only had a split second warning before her mouth was full of his semen. She choked on it this time.

With his penis going soft, she was able to lower her head and cough. She wiped at the semen dripping from her lips.

"So soon, William? I thought vampires had more stamina. Oh well." With a violent heave, Arthur slammed Buffy's body right up against Spike's legs. He picked up the pace of his thrusts. Short, shallow strokes, each like a thin blade cleanly slicing her open. He held her arms back behind her at an awkward angle, forcing her body to contort in a way that allowed his penis to penetrate even more harshly.

Buffy let herself bite at Spike's jeans to brace herself against the pain. She didn't think Spike would mind.

Arthur finally orgasmed. His body froze and he released a raspy grunt. Then he was done. He fell back on his knees, and Buffy enjoyed the absence of his penis. That is, until air hit the wounds and she felt a new kind of agony.

She knew this was the only chance she may have, though. Arthur still panted in a daze from his orgasm, and she wasn't under any restraint.

Thinking too much on it would lead to hesitation. Buffy couldn't afford that. She willed herself to stand up and run to the door. Blood trailed down her legs, but she put that out of her mind. If she could just make it to the damn door...

Yes, it was a laughable attempt, but she would have hated herself if she hadn't tried.

Arthur was on her by the time she reached the exit. He banged her face-first into the door frame, then he flipped her around to pin her back against the wall.

"Not good, dear Slayer. I thought you were behaving."

His face was an inch away from hers. His breath exhaled right into her mouth. She hated him. More than she had hated anyone. Frustrated by her failed attempt, she spit in his face.

Arthur remained calm for a second. Then he had her by the arm and swung her back onto the bed. When she looked back up at him, he was wiping his face with his handkerchief.

"You'll regret that, Slayer," he said coldly.

Then he left.

Buffy curled up into a ball, holding herself. She was distantly aware that Spike's restraints had disappeared and that he was at the edge of his barrier. She kept her head down. She didn't want to look at him.


Her ass hurt. Her vagina hurt. Her mouth was sore and sour from semen. She was hungry. She was tired. She wanted to disappear.

"Buffy, I'm sorry."

She wanted to shower in bleach to get everything off her skin.

"I'm sorry, Buffy."

Buffy fell asleep.

* * * * *

She woke up thanks to a smell wafting through the room. Like she'd left her curling iron on too long. Buffy raised her head and looked around. No Arthur. Just Spike, sitting in his corner. He was watching her.

"Feeling alright?" he asked quietly.

Buffy shook her head, but she didn't elaborate. All of her orifices were sore and aching. Of course she wasn't feeling alright.

"I don't have a good feeling about what just happened," Spike said.

Buffy couldn't help but agree. She'd expected Arthur to smack her around a bit for her escape attempt. His departure and subsequent absence worried her.

She glanced over at Spike, suddenly aware of why Arthur had captured him along with her.

Then Arthur entered the room. He carried a piece of metal rebar about one inch in diameter. One end glowed red. Buffy felt a chill go over her that confirmed her earlier feeling of dread. This didn't bode well.

"You tried to run away, dear Slayer." Arthur said as if chastising a small child.. "That deserves a punishment." He held the metal up to inspect it. "Slayers usually like fire."

Buffy scooted to the far end of the bed, her natural survival instincts kicking in despite her earlier injuries. She wasn't sure what defense she had, though. Arthur approached quickly and reached through the barrier to spread her legs. Buffy reflexively attempted to gouge at his eyes, but he managed to keep most of his body outside the barrier so she couldn't reach it. Instead, her hand bumped up against the invisible wall a mere inch away from his face.

She might have been able to fight him off had she been in better healthy. Now, after the starvation and the earlier abuse, she wasn't anything near a match for him, despite her best efforts. He held down her arms with his knee and yanked her legs open with his free hand. Buffy released a muffled scream when she felt the red-hot metal touch her vaginal lips. Her entire body jerked in reaction, and she kicked his arm. He lost his grip. The bar fell onto the inside of her leg. Buffy, again, winced away, throwing herself against the barrier.

The weight imbalance tipped the mattress. Both of them landed on the floor. Arthur sprawled on his back, Buffy on top of him. She didn't waste time.

Those survival instincts still fueled her, and Buffy was back on her feet. She didn't run for the door this time. That had been a miscalculation. No, she ran to the shelf beside the door and took up her stake. He'd probably left it there to taunt her throughout this whole ordeal. Give her a glimpse of the power she'd had that he was taking away. Well, she took it back.

She heard Arthur's heavy footsteps directly behind her. She swung around in a motion so familiar - she'd done it hundreds of times while out slaying. She plunged the stake into his heart. Her aim was precise and accurate. She didn't hold back any force. The stake was forced in, cracking the surrounding ribs and burrowing into his heart. Just as if he were a vamp.

He wasn't a vamp, though.

Arthur stumbled backwards, staring incredulously at the wooden stake sticking out of his chest. Then he collapsed onto the floor.

Buffy felt only the pounding of her own heart and the ragged breaths of her lungs before she, too, felt her knees give in. She passed out.

* * * * *

Spike nearly fell forward when the barrier disappeared. He'd been right up against it, ready to bloody pull his own arm off if it meant he could get to Buffy. When the watcher died, his spells vanished.

Spike was by Buffy's side in the next instant. The pain of the burn must have caused her to black out. She lay completely still and heavy. Hopefully, the spell disrupting her powers had likewise ended and she could heal with slayer speed.

He removed his jacket and lifted Buffy slightly so as to wrap it around her. He had no bloody clue where they were, but he knew that a hospital was the top priority. She needed to be treated, and she needed to get back to her family and friends. Spike barely spared a thought for the dead rapist. Buffy had taken care of him. No need to fuss about when the slayer needed help.

He scooped Buffy into his arms and walked out the door.

* * * * *

Buffy wiggled her feet under the thin hospital sheet. It was pretty much the only activity she had to amuse herself. Oh, Willow had brought her all the homework she'd missed, but it's not like Buffy even wanted to look at it. So, instead, she kept testing herself. Testing her body.

Because it felt different. After the whole...thing. She knew she couldn't have been that girl. That girl that got victimized and degraded. That wasn't her.

She wanted to prove it. Her slayer strength seemed to be back. She wanted to go out and hunt some vamps and demons. Prove that she was still strong. That she could still handle herself. That he hadn't defeated her. Hadn't turned her into a victim.

Buffy's hands were shaking. She attempted to redirect her thoughts. She'd been doing that a lot.

It had been two days since she'd been admitted to the hospital. Two days with friends and family concerned and crowded around her. Not one of them knew how to act. Xander tried way too hard to be okay with it. Willow kept looking at her with those imploring puppy dog eyes. Like being in Buffy's presence hurt her somehow. Her mom had been the best. Buffy so wanted to just curl up in her mother's lap and let herself be taken care of. But Dawn...

Her mother devoted as much time to Buffy as she could, but Dawn was still always a top priority. Buffy thought she'd gotten past being resentful of the attention Dawn - her mystical sister - had gotten. This refueled it, though.

Noticeably absent, though, was Spike. Buffy managed to work out that he'd gotten her to the hospital. But beyond that? She hadn't seen him. She found herself wondering where he'd gone. What he was doing. They'd been through something. Something horrible, yes. But that sort of experience can change a person's opinion on some things.

Almost as if her thoughts had summoned him, Spike entered slowly. He probably thought she was asleep as he turned to guide the door close in order to keep it quite. He startled slightly when he turned to see her watching him.

Finally, Buffy broke the awkward silence. "I was wondering when you'd come to visit me."

He seemed to relax then. And she relaxed with him. Somehow, it was comforting for him to have come back. He'd been through it all with her - seen what had been done to her...and he was still here.

"Was waiting for your groupies to take off," he joked.

She gave an obligatory chuckle. Her groupies had been wearing on even her patience lately. No wonder he came now, after visiting hours.

"Giles says that this guy - Arthur - was known to the Council. He raped his own slayer and killed her back in the 80s. Since then, he's hunted down slayers know." Buffy looked away. Talking about Arthur made her sick to her stomach. "Psycho."

"Funny that the Council didn't see the need to warn you about him."

Buffy shrugged. "Doesn't really matter now. He's dead." Because she killed him. And she didn't care. Didn't Faith start to go bad when she said that? Cause Buffy must be further along than her - Buffy was glad she killed him.

Buffy stared down at her lap because focusing on the rest of the world wasn't very easy. She wanted to. She wanted so much to just ignore everything that had happened, but she couldn't. She still felt dirty. Her skin was contaminated. The filth seemed to penetrate down to her soul.

"How are you doing?" Spike asked. To his credit, Buffy noticed his wince. It was a stupid question.

She sighed. "Lot of people asking that lately."


"No, it's..." She looked up at him. "I just don't know. I mean, my powers are back, including the healing, so they say I'll make a full recovery. I'll probably be released tomorrow. But after that? I don't know how I'm doing. You know?"

"Yeah." Spike looked to mull over his words. "Buffy, I'm sorry. About my part. About what I did to you - "

"Spike, you didn't...there wasn't anything you could do." She frowned. "We were both trapped. Don't - don't apologize for that."

She hated talking about this. Her mom and Willow had tried to talk about it with her. Buffy refused. It was too hard. The wounds remained fresh and raw. She deflected by changing the subject.

"You can apologize for being an ass at first, though."

She smiled in anticipation of his harsh retort. She wanted the mood light. She especially wanted it as such with Spike. Because if he could be with her, smiling and laughing without being disgusted...that was a good thing. Especially if what she'd guessed earlier were correct.

Spike caught on. He played along. "Thought I made up for that when I gave you my jacket. Which - by the way - I'm wanting back."

"Okay." Buffy nodded decisively. Might as well check and see. "On one condition, though."

"What's that?"

"You have to just tell me you love me and get it over with." Buffy refrained from holding her breath. A vampire would notice that, and she didn't want to show any signs of anxiety. Her palms were sweating, though.

Spike looked surprised. Surprised that she'd guessed or surprised that she thought something so crazy in the first place?

If Spike loved her, saw her like that, and then still loved would mean something. It would be some indication that she shouldn't hate herself so much. Because she did. More than ever, she wanted to be anybody else but the helpless girl who'd been preyed upon. She wanted to not have been used and brutalized and tainted.

Buffy was glad when Spike spoke because she knew tears were on their way.

"Alright," he said. "I do. Love you. I love you."

A shaky sigh escaped her lips, and the tears receded. For now. She smiled. She didn't even jump when he reached to grab her hand where it rested by her side. She didn't pull away. Gentle contact soothed her nerves.

"Wasn't so hard, was it?" Buffy asked, maintaining the light atmosphere. "You may have your coat back. And this?" She squeezed his hand in hers with a slayer strength she knew only he could handle. "We'll just see where this goes, okay?"

Spike looked to be more than okay with that.

The End

dear slayer, fanfic

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