{Aliyah Jones}

Jun 16, 2012 00:01

Aliyah is as joyful as she is serious. In my game, she aspires to lead the SCIA, using any means she can to end the evil in the world. She knows of 262 ways to make someone cry, yet she avoids using them unless absolutely necessary.
Formally dressed sims that know how to clean catch her eye, and zombies make her bolt for the door. She has a fear of the undead, just so you know ;)

I have two versions of Aliyah available; CC and no CC! I have included the necessary accessory meshes for the CC version of Aliyah. No matter which version of Aliyah you get, she'll use your default dark blue eyes.

Here, have some Body Shop pics (which are also included in both downloads):
CC Front | CC Profile
No CC Front | No CC Profile

CC List

NOTE: Somehow, a default replacement found its way onto Aliyah - the CC version. I tried repackaging her but to no avail. I tested installing her into a different game of mine, and UNCHECKED the default, and she appeared as she should. So, if you choose to install the CC version of her, make sure you use Clean Installer, and UNCHECK the default replacement!
If you do happen to have any issues, however, let me know.

Box + Dropbox + Mediafire

Box + Dropbox + Mediafire

Hope you like her!

My policy can be found here - but in general, PLEASE DO NOT reupload her and claim her as your own!

sims: downloads, sims: downloadable sims

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