Title: Be Mine (Jumpin Jesus, Holy Cow)
frey_at_lastRating: PG
Tags: 30 Rock, Pete/Liz friendship, Jack/Other, Jack/Liz
Spoilers: "Pilot," "Hiatus," "Cooter," "Reunion," "Mamma Mia," "Season Four," "Dealbreakers Talk Show," "Black Light Attack," "Secret Santa," "Anna Howard Shaw Day" (yes, AND MORE)
Word count: 7280
Summary: Five perspectives on
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Let's see, what else:
- "The guy who got us the microwave?" HAHAHAHA.
- Pete tucking in the kids again ... awwwww.
- Jack taking on Liz's phrases while drunk - wow, so hilarious
- Tracy with his thumb in his mouth - LOL
- Liz running her hand up Jack's back. Ooooooooh dear.
- "Lemmoned up your Valentine's." Hah.
- The entirety of the fourth story. I can't explain to you how true this resonates to me.
- The baseball concierge shooting Liz dirty looks
- Liz having "activities" in her backpack -- and, and -- "I've done sudoku while having sex." Of COURSE she has. GAH!
Anyway, this was so incredibly awesome, and I'm just glad I could help you out with inconsequential details. (My specialty, as it happens.) Thanks for forwarding me the message about this!!!
Thanks so much for the whooole rest of your comment. I'm so happy all those beats worked. Especially the kissing - you know, I realized I have NEVER WRITTEN a 'moment of getting togethering' before, so I'm really happy if it made you mooshy feeling. It kinda did me too, ahaha. I really love these kids.
I'm also enjoying the new points I've noticed on the re-read, like this one: "... she once monitored a debate between Bill Kristol and Janet Jackson where much more uncomfortable things happened ..." HAH! So awesome. (Back when I actually used to watch the news all the time, that guy was ALWAYS on Fox News.)
Also, I love her flustering at Jack touching her knee. That moment was very real, too.
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