Just discovered, to my surprise and joy, that the computer labs at my school now have Photoshop installed. Yay! This is good (veeery gooood) because my computer is still in a coma and I'm suffering of siggie/avatar creating withdrawal! I'm fine now. And here is what I made:
Went to the mall on Friday. Black Friday. Yup, I was one of those early birds, first time actually. And for a reason. You see, not too long ago I accidently left my USP port/flash card/jump drive on one of the school computers and never saw it again. So I was very happy when I saw that the flash cards were on sale for $9.99 (after rebate) ! at Staples. Those things cost like $40-50 each! And this one had more memory space than the first two I had (yup, I also lost the first one). I could not pass this sale.
And so, Friday morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and few minutes later woke up my mom, left the house at 5:40something and arrived at Staples at around 6 a.m. There was already a line outside and the lights were off. But not because the store hadn't opened. They were out, but not because the store was closed, but because the power went out--only at Staples. Behind me the parking lot and mall was lit. So yeah, that was weird. I spotted my friend Rick in the line (he had been at Circuit city since 3 a.m.) and he tells me that they were handing out reserve tickets for the sale items. The line was long, it was very cold outside, but God bless my mom she stayed beside me as we waited inline to get the tickets. I needed her to be with me. The flashcards were one per customer. I got two--one for school, the other for home and in case I loose it...again.
So, we got our tickets (redeamable before 9:30 a.m.) and headed to the mall and JCPenny. I bought a couple of tops, and a dress from the $1.77 sale rack (now that's a bargain!) and a pretty patterned flowy skirt. After walking through the other stores and finding not that many bargains or things I wanted to buy, we went to McDonalds and ordered two of those Delux Breakfasts with the scrambled eggs, sausage patty and buiscut. Its funny how the advertisement for the Delux Brkfast says "Served as shown" with the scrambles all scrambly, the buiscuit and sausage neatly placed around the eggs and everything taking all the white porcelein plate space. But the real version has the scrambles in a compacted square, and the biscuit and sausage far away from eachother and everything doesn't even take up half of the styro foam plate's space! False advertisement indeed!
And so, we ate our hearty greasy bfast and headed to Staples once again. This time, the lights were on and sure enough, the lines were verry long. We went to the reserves counter where they asked for our green ticket and handed us each a flash card. We waited in line for I don't know how long and finally bought the jumpdrives. $20ish each--9.99 after rebate.
We had enough of the Black Friday experience and headed home. But on our way, we stopped at the Family Video store and rented the only copy of "War of the Worlds". We finally got home at 10 a.m. I would most likely still be in my pajamas if not asleep at that hour.
And that, my friends, was my Black Friday. What a lovely name to give a weekday.
Just for reference:
http://outnow.ch/Media/Img/ (pretty neat HQ image site. Lots of caps including some BW: KKHH & Yuva). Found these two pics I've never seen before.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v172/BollyDesi/02.jpg Ajay and Esha