dude, you've been there all the time for me and i guess i never noticed you as someone that would change my life and make me think differently. i never saw you as a best friend and the great person you are. brian always had a smile on his face as you will see in diagram A.
To cut all this mushy shit and get to the point, BRIAN, you are not leaving.....no really you aren't. im kidnapping you on friday.........
dude uve been awesome these two years and we have been throught the good and the bad together. diagram B being the bad......ewww dude.........
wow dude, dont feel bad about that ur still an awesome person and im really sad that ur leaving.
well if it makes you feel any better i will take it upon myself to make fun of.......well me... which brings me to DIAGRAM C..... just look in horror...
well brian ill miss you soooooo much in the past months we have become better friends. and dude they were the the best, chinese hating, awesomeistice, fun, and crazy couple months of my life. i cant believe your leaving.
ill miss you mahn!