Jan 30, 2010 09:46
I had a moment of joy at Six Pillars on Wednesday night.
I'd turned up as a sort of romantic adventurer type of Bloodliner, all full of do-gooding and flouncy sleeves. As part of the loadout I decided to take my grapple and line with me, which caused no end of cooing etc. But anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the character, and had a very early CMOA.
The situation: An assassin had made his way into Court and thrown a poisoned blade at one of the Blood. The other players had run off to catch the assassin; Karl (my character) stayed behind and flirted with the ladies. When they brought the assassin back, my character was of course the only person in the room with any rope, so they borrowed my grapple line to bind him. And then they tortured him, right in the middle of Court.
Obviously being disgusted with this display of barbarism, Karl retreated to the opposite side of the room and made disparaging comments about several of the ladies in attendance (filthy mutants that they were), and then was handed his rope back. With a mighty flounce, he howled "It's covered in blood! What use is it now?" and flung it across the room, where it landed in a heap near a window.
Then a couple of minutes later I happened to be standing near the OOC desk, at which point one of the Game Team leaned over and whispered, "Will, so was that 'high brow rope-laying' then?"
I finally managed to get back in character about 15 minutes later...