(no subject)

Aug 30, 2007 11:11

I received a rejection letter from that recruitment role on monday - it made me laugh. I didnt want yer stoopid job anyway!!! :)

I have another interview this afternoon, this time at Fox & Symes as part of their debt management team. It isnt a collections role, more helping people manage their debt from an informal level through to Bankruptcy (which is obviously a last resort). It pays more than my current role, which is always nice and would be something different. Its only a first interview though so Im not really getting my hopes up too much. Im just at a place at the moment where i am really restless. Went through quite a low period over the weekend but after much cuddles and a Gibbs-like wakeup call from Mark, I am starting to feel better.

The last few weeks have been very draining emotionally and I guess, with enough time on my own to really think through everything that has happened, I kinda had an ickle melt down. Im not really in the mood to detail everything though. The people closest to me know what Im talking about. Anyway, Im hoping to move things forward and try to bridge some major gaps that have formed. This will probably be slow going though but hey.
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