"There are fish in there!"

May 22, 2006 08:31

Had a good weekend. We threw a suprise party for a friend of ours on Saturday night, which turned out to be a very drunken affair. It was great. One of the more memorable incidents of the night was the "20 shots game" and lawless_lawyer sitting in front of the fish tank declaring "There are fish in there!!" every 10 seconds..... for almost half an hour. Poor drunken kitty :)

Watched Underworld: Evolution on Friday night. It was pretty good. I really liked the first movie so I was glad the sequeal didnt suck. They went into the history a little bit more so it helped make the first one make sense in that way. '

We also went to see The Da Vinci Code last night. To be honest, I think I need to see it again. They cut MAJOR chunks out of the story which could really confuse someone who hasnt read the book and it didnt really capture the struggle Robert experienced throughout the book. It was cast really well though. Tom Hanks did a good job with Robert, considering Robert is very passive but very intelligent. Overall, the movie was good. I think anyone who hasnt read the book nor have a strong interest in comparitive religion probably will be bored by the movie. There isnt all that much "action" except when Silas is chasing them. Everything was pretty exact to the book, they just cut a great deal out.

Thats all for now. My wrist is really sore again - stupid RSI.
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