Title: Requiem Author: chaletian Fandom: NCIS Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: For the end of season 6 Summary: Future!fic. There are things about Special Agent Tony DiNozzo that Jimmy Palmer won’t tell.
I like how you use Ducky's reference to Tony being how Gibbs was when he was younger, to transform Tony into eventually being like present-day Gibbs, and Palmer eventually ending up as Tony's Ducky. I liked this a lot, good job.
Oh awesome fic. I really like the mirror to the statement Ducky made about how Gibbs was like Tony when he was younger and now, years later, Tony is like Gibbs. I also really like the continuation of that scene in 'Bounce' between the two, it's obvious that as the years have gone by Jimmy has become Tony's Ducky.
The last line was perfect, a perfect ending to a fic that manages to pick p the turmoil of emotions left at the end of the 'Aliyah'.
Comments 8
Nicely done! I love when Tony channels Gibbs, too.....
i'm totally impressed ^^
The last line was perfect, a perfect ending to a fic that manages to pick p the turmoil of emotions left at the end of the 'Aliyah'.
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