"Please, Kitty, you used the phrase, and I'm quoting here, man whore."

Jul 25, 2008 10:08

With the introduction of Twitter (it’s ace), life in the love nest has reached a whole new level of ridiculousness, whereby one of us will post an inane comment and the other, sitting about 80cm away, will get a text message about it. On Wednesday, we went to see Wall-E (OMG so, so lovely, everyone should go and see it RIGHT NOW), and on the way home got near simultaneous and identical texts about the fact that we were once again sitting behind Balding!Quiff!Man on the bus.

Anyway, so, other things of note. A motley crew of us are dashing off to the beach tomorrow somewhere in the vicinity of Chichester (someone remind me why it is we go so far away?!), as is becoming something of a summer tradition. Last year we got rained off, and had to have a picnic-in-the-car (always a joy) and this time we are on tenterhooks as to the likely weather. Why, why, why do meteorologists remain so rubbish at predicting the weather? Surely it can’t be that hard…

Had a little dinner party on Tuesday, which was nice. We ate lasagne and pavlova and drank wine and listened to some more of Helen’s tax party stories - a mainstay of any social function, we are finding. All vee nice anyway, though, Helen, you left behind the book Katie borrowed. And tonight, we are off to the National to see Her Naked Skin, which is about wimmin and such.

Incidentally, I recently read Rousseau’s Discourses on the Arts and Sciences, which only served to demonstrate what a mentalist he was. Currently reading A Dissertation on the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality of Mankind, which likewise. The only thing I remember about Rousseau from studying the Enlightenment in the course of A-level history was a random quote that I found: “Rousseau could ennoble a piece of cheese.” I do not dispute this. He is quite mad enough to have done so, providing it was a savage, uncivilised cheese which lived a life of rustic simplicity and didn’t think too much… so, really, he was probably very fond of cheese. It’s interesting, though, because beneath the crap he does make some interesting points, but it’s so frustrating and anger-inducing reading all the fluff about how great Sparta was because they were all, OK, Spartan, and how rubbish civilisations get when they start arsing around with art and science and trying to know stuff. Frex: “our souls have become corrupted to the extent that our sciences and our arts have advanced towards perfection.” Has a beef with “vain knowledge” (I thought people had got over that whole thing by the mid C18th?) and a desperate longing for “happy ignorance” in a “rustic nation.” Meh. Whatever. As I said, he does have the odd point buried in there, but mostly, I diskard it.

TV is coming back soon!!!! SGA has already returned, and the others will be back soon! Very excited by this. I ♥ TV. With regard to my latest obsession (still incredibly excited about having discovered A WHOLE NEW MEDIUM), have read: Batman Year One, Marvel 1602, Runaways (to date), The Umbrella Academy, Jack of Fables, Invincible vols 1 and 2, and have nearly finished the first vol of Sandman. Probably some other stuff too that I can’t remember off the top of my head. I ♥ comics.

Have booked a table at Giraffe for my birthday - w00t! Also, am having my eyebrows tinted Monday week, which is quite exciting, but I have to remember to go into Kingston on Sunday (boo) for a sensitivity test. Bum.

larking, thinking about intelligent things, love nest, books, tv, films, theatre

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