"Never trust a man whose moustache doesn't meet..."

Feb 01, 2008 13:41

♥ There was a cat on our threshold this morning. It was very disturbing, chiefly because I am afeared of cats (yes, foolish, I know, but that’s me for you - I blame it all on an unfortunate incident when I was little), but also because the cat itself seemed very woeful. If it’s still there when we get home, we plan to let it in.

♥ We went to see Sweeney Todd on Wednesday, which I really enjoyed, though got quite sad about, because it’s one of those hideous dramatic irony things which I remain woeful about for weeks afterward. Dead good, though, and Alan Rickman! Alan Rickman’s voice singing! *dies* Cloverfield next week. I have absolutely no idea what it’s about, which is actually quite exhilarating.

♥ SPN tonight! So very, very excited. I got extremely high-pitched about it last night, as is my wont.

♥ I bought some bright red lipstick yesterday, and am wearing it today. Feel very daring and also quite self-conscious. It looked a bit weirdy this morning, but it seems OK now. Hmm. Will reserve judgement a little longer.

♥ Got some new Nivea lotion at lunch time, as old one has sadly run out, and gracious! The calumny! They’ve only gone and changed the way it smells. Boo, I say to that. Boo with knobs on.

rosie_rah: Yes, of course I’ll make a badge for you, chérie.

♥ Still struggling with the internets. None at home. E-mail buggered at work, and Facebook won’t function properly. Such is my woe.

♥ Had my haircut. Lovely. Very shiny and swishy. If anyone needs a nice haircut in the Clapham area, I have cards for 50% off - let me know and I’ll send you one.

♥ I also bought a few Oxfam books. (a) The Corset Diaries - genius looking romantic trash about a woman doing one of those TV shows where they dress up all Regency; (b) Mrs Woolf and the Servants - been after it for ages, very pleased; (c) random Persephone book; (d) Eve Was Framed - book about women and the justice system by Helena Kennedy. I love books. Speaking of, next Monday you’ll get my January book list, for the first time ever. Exciting news. I’m sure you’ll all be on the edge of your seats…

♥ Is it just me, or does Ashes to Ashes start soon?

hair, woe, shopping, books, tv, films

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