Title: Elf Lord
chaletianFandom: NCIS/Bones
Rating: PG
Characters: Brennan, Booth, McGee, Tony, Ziva
Spoilers: None
Summary: Bones has a question about McGee.
Author’s Notes: Written for
pim2005, just because she’s ace.
“But why does he call you that?” persisted Temperance Brennan, not at all put out by McGee’s obvious unwillingness to discuss the matter.
“It’s just... a thing,” replied McGee vaguely, trying to turn his attention back to the blackened skeleton on the stainless steel table of Ducky’s morgue.
“Bones, it’s a thing,” clarified Booth, taking his colleague by the arm and pulling her towards the corpse. “Some kind of weird NCIS thing. Now, we need you to…”
Brennan had already twisted loose. “But why ‘Elf Lord’?” she demanded. “Have you acquired some sort of ritual domination over Special Agent DiNozzo?”
There was a snort in the corner from the agent in question. Clearly the linking of the words ‘domination’ and ‘DiNozzo’ in conjunction with McGee had proved too much. The snort mutated into a yelp as Ziva David kicked his ankle. Brennan pinned him with an analytical gaze.
“It does not make sense,” she said eventually. “Special Agent DiNozzo is older, more senior, and has more dominant physical characteristics.” Tony puffed out his chest, nodding knowingly at Ziva.
“McGee is cleverer,” pointed out Ziva. Tony’s chest deflated.
Brennan considered this. “True. But I have found that in many law enforcement circles that does not lead to typical male dominance. Which is illogical, because success in this field is most certainly related to intelligence.”
Booth took her arm again (hiding his pleasure at the subtle almost-a-compliment-if-you-squint - heh - squint - he’d have to remember that) and steered her deftly towards the skeleton. “Bones. These are bones. Belonging to either a felon or a Marine. We need to know which.” He waved a hand. “Go. Do your thing.”
Temperance Brennan shot him an insulted look. “Booth, my ‘thing’ is the result of years of careful training and…”
“Bones.” He pointed. “Bones.”
Her lips tightened. “Fine.” She slipped on latex gloves and picked up a scalpel, only to pause, and point the sharp edge in McGee’s direction. “But I will find out the etymology of your nickname.”
McGee rubbed his forehead, and really hoped that she didn’t.
Tony grinned, and slung his arm around Ziva’s shoulders, only to remove it hurriedly as an elbow found its way unerringly into his ribs.
And Booth just stood and watched Brennan’s concentration as she ran the scalpel along the right anterior femur. And was amazed that he knew which bit of bone was the right anterior femur.