Title: Scenes from an Intersection
Fandom: NCIS/Supernatural
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Jimmy, hints of Tony/Ziva
Spoilers: None
Summary: A mysterious death has Gibbs contacting the son of an old Marine.
Author’s Notes: NCIS and SPN have so much potential for crossover, but unfortunately this fic, though starting off as planned, got far, far away from me. There’s very little plot; as the titles says, it’s more scenes from a crossover than an actual crossover.
They’d seen a lot of gruesome cases over the years. Dismembered bodies. Corpses so burnt they were unrecognizable. A room decorated solely in muscle tissue. Nothing, however, had prepared them for the mutilation of this particular body, or the weirdness of the case that followed.
“This is really strange, boss,” said McGee, looking pale.
“Strange is normal, Probie,” said Tony, who didn’t look at his best either. “We know strange. This is…” Words, unusually, seemed to fail him. But not for long. “This is weird.”
“Well, thank you for that assessment, DiNozzo,” responded Gibbs, turning away from the body to survey the crime scene. “Ziva?” Ziva was still crouched by the body.
“It’s remarkable,” she said, tracing patterns of damage with a pen. “Look at how Sergeant Howard was scored here, and here. It’s… I have not seen anything like it before.”
“Y’know, Ziva, I would feel much better if you didn’t sound quite so envious,” Tony said petulantly. “Being able to do that to a body is not generally accepted as a life skill.”
“In Mossad, this…” Tony held up a hand.
“Generally accepted among normal people, Zee-vah.”
“Well, that is because normal people…”
“Hey! DiNozzo…”
“…Crime scene photos. On it, boss.”
“…Talk to people; see if anyone saw anything.”
“Check with the Highway Department to see if their security cameras picked up anything. Yes, boss.”
Gibbs nodded, satisfied.
Back at NCIS, they reviewed the highway tapes.
“See,” said Tony, pointing at the screen. “Weird, not strange. Rookie mistake, Probie.”
“That’s… what is that, Gibbs?” asked Ziva, frowning as she tried to make out the pixilated figure on the tape.
“Outside our jurisdiction,” said Gibbs absently, reaching for his phone. The others exchanged startled glances. When, exactly, did Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs give up jurisdiction on a case involving a murdered sailor?
“I knew your dad. He was a good man.” The man accompanying Gibbs nodded appreciatively.
“Thanks. He said the same about you. So, Deacon said you called?”
Gibbs cocked his head towards the screen in the middle of the room. “We found a dead sailor out in Virginia. This was on the security camera.” The man whistled.
“Nasty. Leave a mess?”
“You could say that.”
“Yeah, they’ll do that. Anyone else hurt?”
“Not so far. That we know of.”
“Oh, give it time.” There was a disgruntled cough.
“Er, boss, mind clueing the rest of us in about what’s going on? And who Steve McQueen here is?” The visitor grinned.
“Heh. Steve McQueen.” Tony nodded.
“Yeah, the clothes, and the attitude; all vint… wait, who are you?”
“DiNozzo, David, McGee.” Gibbs pointed them out in turn. “Dean Winchester.”
“So, monsters are real?” McGee’s voice was skeptical. “I don’t… I mean, that’s kinda hard to believe.”
“I’m with Elf Lord,” said Tony. McGee glared at him.
“So, tell me again why we need Winchester here, boss,” asked Tony, as they trekked through a Virginian wood looking for a trail.
“Well, you could say I’m kind of a specialist. I kill these things so people like you never have to find out about them.”
“We can kill things,” said Ziva.
“But I’m really good at it,” said Dean, pushing aside a branch.
“I could kill you,” Ziva returned, matter-of-factly. Dean raised an eyebrow and grinned.
“Could be fun trying.” Ziva seemed to consider the prospect. Her eyes narrowed.
“Fun?” Dean nodded, his grin widening.
“Oh yeah. You an’ me, Ziva: fighting with each other. Hot. Sweaty. All that adrenaline. I mean… y’know what, don’t mind me. I’m just going to a happy place right now.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Winchester,” said Tony stiffly. “Officer David is more likely to just shoot you.”
“Afraid of a little competition, Tony?” Ziva’s voice was sultry. Dean noted with regret that she hadn’t tried that one on him. He was a little late to this particular party. He let the branch flick back into Tony DiNozzo’s face, all the same.
“No, it’s not like that. Think… OK, you ever seen Creatures of the Infernal Reaches IV?”
“With Brandi Molloy in that bikini?”
“Oh yeah.”
“That’s a good film.”
“Not as good as III.”
“Well, that’s a classic.”
“I hear you, dude.”
“I’ve got the platinum DVD. The extras will blow your mind. Wait… it’s like that?”
“OK, I’m officially disturbed now. Boss, did you hear that?”
“Yep. Didn’t understand a word.”
“That’s because you’re culturally stunted, boss. Ow!”
“Check the perimeter, DiNozzo.”
“On it, boss.”
“So, Ziva and Tony, they’re…” Dean mimed a crude gesture. Jimmy looked shocked.
“Absolutely not! They… Tim!” McGee was nodding resignedly.
“Oh yeah. I mean, not actually. But, y’know.”
“Tim, I really don’t think that…”
“Trust me, Jimmy. You haven’t had to do a stake-out with them. We were stuck in a motel room for over twelve hours. I thought they might actually explode from sexual tension.” McGee looked disturbed even now by the memory.
“Ohhhh. So, that’s why… I mean, Tommy and Lisa…”
“Tommy and Lisa?” asked Dean curiously. McGee looked shifty.
“So, Jimmy, those autopsy results...”
“Nice lab.” Nice girl, too. The mouth didn’t say it, but the eyes sure did.
“Thanks,” said Abby. “It took a while, but I got it just how I like it.” She walked ahead, describing the exact process that had led her to put the mass spectrometer where it was, and the computers where they were, and Dean tilted his head, appreciating the view.
“Oh, that’s just how I like it.” Abby turned round, curious.
“Did you say something?” Dean smiled, wide and inviting, until he met Gibbs’ gaze. The smile shrivelled.
“It was nothing. So, forensics? Man, my brother would love this.”
“That was… possibly one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.” Ziva grimaced as she flicked scaly brown skin off her shoulder. It landed on Tony. He shuddered and jumped out of his chair.
“Ziva!” She leaned forward, in his face.
“You… you…” Tony pulled a face, and started to strip out of his shirt. Ziva stepped back, eyed him consideringly, then shook her head.
“You look better with the scales and the moo.”
“Goo, Ziva. Gooooo.” He threw his shirt at her, but she sidestepped and it hit McGee, who looked startled.
“What? Euw! Tony?”
“Tony,” said Ziva maliciously, sauntering back to her own desk, “is considering a new career. Striping, yes?”
“The word, Zee-vah, is stripping. Stripping. And I am not considering a career in it.”
Dean was lolling in Gibbs’ chair. “I dunno, Tony, you could do worse.”
“See,” said Ziva. “Dean thinks you should.”
“I am not becoming a stripper! I am a federal agent!” Dean shrugged.
“It pays the bills, is all I’m saying, man.”
“Maybe not for Tony. He is not that attractive.”
“I am extremely attractive. McGee!”
“You’re very attractive, Tony.”
“McGee thinks Tony should become a stripper, Gibbs.”
“I don’t want to know.”
Meh. I have lost my characterisation mojo. *weeps* I had much better Dean in my head at lunchtime, but he ran away. Damn him.