Sep 24, 2007 10:08
♥ Katie reminded me last night that I have not updated you as to my fringe-cutting escapade. Now, you know my fringe-cutting escapades. You know them well. I have not spared you the smallest of gory details. Waiting until Katie was out for the evening to cut my fringe is probably the first indication of the madness that seems to envelop me every time I reach for a pair of scissors and pull my fringe over my eyes to see just how far down my nose it reaches (answer: almost to the end, this time; I’ve been having a very, very swoopy fringe). I started out with the green kitchen scissors but they’re useless. I meant to change to the blue kitchen scissors because they’re very efficient and can cut off an entire fringe with a single snip. Sadly (or perhaps not, in retrospect) I could not find them (don’t worry: I did subsequently - they were under my duvet. Obviously). Thus, I was left to cut my fringe with my nail scissors (only ever so slightly rusted). Now, this may sound like a recipe for disaster but actually, because my nail scissors can only cut about three strands of hair at a time, it went OK. I was very sensible (mainly because I was not, for once, under the influence of the demon alcohol), and now I have a sensibly short, fairly straight fringe. Which is, I feel I ought to point out, more than my mother ever managed.
♥ WTF? Where did the sunshine go? La la la nice weather, bit of sun, nice weather, sunny sunny, FUCKING DELUGE. I mean, quoi? Pah, say I.
♥ It is a truth universally acknowledged that finding out someone has been bitching away about you, even when logic has always dictated that this be the case, is a little distressing. Not least because there has probably been bitching away to complete strangers who now think I am indeed an utter queen of evil. Which, OK, I’m not exactly Little Miss Lovely, but still. Oh, let me flail my hands with woe, collapse onto a cushy surface, and proclaim my tragic victimhood to the world…
♥ I love Megan. She’s such a star. Yesterday, she was a snail and I was a ladybird. Good times. I shall remind her of this when she is fourteen, and she will die with shame. We also played hide and seek, but I’m so bad, because I just leave her hidden for ages and do other stuff. Yesterday, I was upstairs with Kathye and Hannah, and Megan sent Katie as an emissary to see when I was coming to find her. Shame, shame on me. Also, much cuddling with Hannah, which is always joyful, because she is, obviously, the most darling baby in the history of the world, ever.
♥ Hmm, my laundry has stopped smelling quite so much of the washing powder. This is a good thing. Also, on the domestic front, I have cleared away the crap from outside my bedroom door. I can now leave my bedroom without performing a series of daring acrobatic acts. It’s almost too much to cope with. Also changed bedlinen for the first time in about three years. Joy.
♥ TV. I love TV. Love it so much I am unable to articulate the depth of that love. Fortunately for the ongoing domestic bliss of the love nest, Katie loves TV too. Our fall schedule (if I may borrow the American phrase, as under the circs that seems more appropriate) is packed and we are joyous. It has started tentatively this week. Prison Break and Gossip Girl on download, with the ends of NCIS and Dexter on FX. Prison Break is obviously a familiar friend, but Gossip Girl was new, and a later addition to our televisual timetable. We weren’t blown away by the beginning, and were contemplating not even finishing the episode. This was something of a relief, as we have a lot of TV to get through every week, even bearing in mind that some shows are being left for hiatus. But no, we foolishly continued, our English passion for fairness working against us. It’s teen crap of the best and brightest kind, and we now eagerly await episode 2. Dammit. Also, we saw the end of NCIS. A lot of questions about Tony and Jeanne and La Grenouille and that CIA bloke and who knew what, but I think it’s clear now. And 0.o at the end of the series. Fortunately, of course, season 5 starts imminently, so resolution will be swift. Dexter. Ooh, Dexter. I can say nothing, because Katie has not yet seen the last episode (we taped it last night and I, queen of instant gratification, stayed up to watch it, while Katie sensibly went to bed). But we had not realised it was a mid-season replacement and thus only 12 episodes, and so the season is now over. So we may have to watch that one on download as well. Curses.
♥ Guides tomorrow. It feels about three years since the last meeting.
love nest,