Sep 20, 2009 18:19
and already mildly pissed off. Bleh. Over little things too - like dropping a bag of apples I brought from home all over the floor and having them all get bruised, and carrying numerous heavy objects past friends in the chapter room and no one offering to help, and having to twist someone's arm to get them to help me carry my fridge, and forgetting my coffee supplies at home, and the ethernet being retarded...
*deep breaths*
see, nothing huge, just...mildly annoying. Oh, and the shift key is sticking on Zeebus now. But, I'm getting a shiny new Mac TOMORROW, soon as I get to Hinman, so that's a problem that'll be resolved.
Always antsy and unhappy the first couple days back at school. especially right now, after being away for a year and feeling like i've lost whatever belonging i had here before. which is dumb. but...all the people i hung out with most have graduated. on the one hand it's a good opportunity to hang out with, y'know, other people, instead of exlusively seven or eight. but on the other it's sad, and i miss them.
meh. what i want to do is curl up on my futon and read a book and fall asleep. what i need to do is finish unpacking my bags, then finish unpacking my car, then go to Topside or cvs to get the supplies to take a shower, then do so.
magic willpower, go.