I've been experimenting with vegan food lately, not out of any sense of morality but rather for the health benefits. I'm also getting back on the Eat To Live diet, which is even more strict than veganism, so I go vegan when I need to splurge
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Seriously though, ETL just boils down to "Health = Nutrition / Calories". You can eat ANYTHING as long as you're always trying to maximize that number.
So for example broccoli (score: 80) is LOADED with phytowhatsits and vitathingums at 50 Calories PER POUND, steak (score: 1) has a few grams of amino acids sobbing at the bottom of a pile of fat, and white sugar scores a goose egg.
Don't know where bulgur wheat would score, but ETL favors whole grains over white, so I'm sure it would be better than Basmati. I just love the flavor so much. :-)
It's funny to watch people diet at Indian restaurants. They'll grab a few teaspoons of curry and then make it lean by smothering it in white rice... it makes me want to grab them and make them switch their portions. At least the curry has vegetables in it! :-)
Oh, and the reason I replied: Mr. Kook's is just the brand we have here. Find one you like and go with it. We've tried 2 or 3 curry types and the tikka masala is our favorite, but it works fine with Vegetable Curry (spicier, more bitter) and Bangkok Curry (coconutty, almost Thai).
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