Etiquette of fans

Aug 28, 2007 15:38

So I just spent a large length of time talking with my sister about Amecon again. What keeps bothering us (and I'm sure a plenty other people) is over how so many just have utter no respect for property and disgustingly mistreat the gophers to points of ignoring them, doing what they like and just bastardising the rules because they want to do "what they want"

I mean from what my sister said her and all her friends kept there room tidy and did the best they could, but they where mostly gophers themselves, while I just did what I normally did (I'm relativly a neat-freak, I can't stand my room right now I havn't vacuumed it in a while) but theres people that just... urgh

WHY is it a runnning theme that everyone gets drunk untill there sick and then trash the place. Do they not relise that even if there at a convention there are still f'in rules? I mean sure having fun is one thing, but theft and vandilism is just plain wrong. The site is a university not some playhouse that someone will clean up and just go "well it was just kids". A good 80% of con-goers are adults which means they should relise that if you do something outright illegal like getting a 16 year old completely wasted untill shes throwing up that you can get arrested for it so, they should just not do it.

I mean damn, they have warnings about rape now. Is it getting more and more likely that one of these days some drunk guy is going to rape someone just because of there cosplay? With the rate it's going it actually seems like it. You know somethings up when hearing "rape is wrong" more than "you should wash" at an animé convention. Hell my sister said the nicest people to ask for a picture of her friend in a rabbid cosplay was a bunch of chavs that was passing by, those kind of people being infamous for there rudeness to people outside there social circle and anyone with authority.

I myself... am nearing the "I don't want to go again" stage, but... I just can't do that, I still have a reason to go and untill thats over and I'll not give up on it WHY AM I GETTING LIFE-LESSONS FROM LOVECOM!? untill the impossibility is there. I know thats a weird reason to keep going but everyone has there reasons...

That and playing things like the Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen seris or SSB:M with people you don't know is incredibly fun, I'm not a bad loser (I never play SinX on RO, I'm used to being in a "no-win" situation) I mean if I get utterly slaughtered with no chance I'm a little upset sure, but I'm also really impressed with how good some people are. Close matches are fun even if you lose, and even playing with some people who arn't that good is always more fun than the computer. I've been blessed with a "It's a game. You have fun, getting frustrated or upset at someone because you die is for idiots"

Just to clear my point on that, met a really big retard yesturday. I was just healing people for no reason in PvP and I healed this guy who had EvilDruid armor on (makes you undead-prop, meaning heal hurts) and for the next hour and a half he kept trying to kill my level 70 priest with his level 200 sinX ANYONE who has played RO should relize that if you do that, everybody else will attack you for being stupid so since he was infact, such an idiot he left the armor on and my friend on her level 150+ instant-cast baby priest kept killing him with ME and Turn undead. All he had to do was take the armor off but no, he thought he was too hardcore

People like that make me laught so hard how pathetic they are.


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