So I was thinking, "what the HELL did I do last year I can't remember anything" So i'm looking through my pictures i've uploaded over the last year... and it's barely a page and a half, compaired to the 3+ pages the previous three years.
Among which, I realised I never uploaded my amecon pictures for this year.
So what I'm going to do, is post various pictures and screenshots and sum up the year as best I can with it, why? because I want to recall what happened... again... I'm bored shut up
From what I remember pretty clearly is I started getting into Warhammer more, and actually paying out for some to paint and make etc. That and my computer died, so I was stuck on ol' Pythius for nearly two months untill I bought Elle.
Not much I can remember, computer hell, But I did try playing Flysis (which ended up being renamed Air-rivals) so thats something..
Started getting the Phoenix Wright games. Although I havt them all, still havn't finished 3... I played them too fast and lost intrest and now Mata will mace me.
my room still looks like hell
I got my new computer (finally) and started to play mabinogi, second pheonix wright game was in there too.
Well, there was TWEWY, the start of the random-catgirl-psychotic seris to watch, and I played that weird... turn-based battle RPG.. MMO.. think, with possible dating sim slashed in due to having a girl follow you all the time. That was fun, odd, and SLOW.
Not much happened, and was probably the start of the "great decline of intrest", where I stopped being intrested in things. I had that weird-ass dream about breaking into candy's house running away from a mass-murdering MATA. but really not much happened.
I got back into enchanted arms enough to beat the second half of the game right to the end, and I got Company of Heros (utter much confusion on AIM afterwords,due to those playing city of heros, and the two having the same acronym) There was also RO2 announcements about the new classes but they've taken too long now that I lack intrest in them.
There was Amecon, which I got some (as junpei would put it) "phat lewt"
Otherwise there was general digimon-fanning stuff after where I watched the entire seris of tamers over three days partly because I just couldn't get into Adventure 2, I onyl got up to episode 13 before I stopped and switch seris
Not much, However my friend started dragging me back to DoW so there was fun to be had then, generalyl slow month though.. wasting myself away with depression and boredom. Depression, boredom and warhammer online.
October was boring. So boring I replayed pokémon.
There was... er.. nope just as boring infact was even more boring than october.
Christmas... other than what I got for christmas, megaten online, and playing Warhammer online again, boring month. Better than the last few though... well except for all the deaths.
January (again)
This month has been pretty much fast-going, between a mix of anticipation (DoW2 beta on the 21st \o/) and jumping from one what games I play nearly every other day, ASWELL as watching half of Digimon frontier, and reading the first 150 chapters of JoJo's bizzare adventure, I'm actually DOING things.
This month is awesome so far.