A little less conversation

Oct 12, 2002 14:08

I thought I'd update about my upcoming week since the past one wasn't anything great. On monday I have a film test, shouldn't be hard and my only other class that day (world lit) is cancelled. Wednesday my odyssey paper is due as well as my literary journal. My film teacher will be in Italy watching silent films so I won't have to go to film class. Thursday I have a world history test, it shouldn't be that hard. I'll most likely skip my last two classes and head straight to Athens from downtown around 12:15. There I'll meet up with Dorothy and we will make a short little trip to Nashville. When I say short I mean incredibly long, as in the longest I'll have ever driven in my life. I look forward to it though, it should be fun.

When we reach Nashville many months later Jeff will be awaiting. By then I'll have developed scurvy from the lack of fruit on our long journey. After recuperating we'll probably...do stuff. Not really sure, sleep maybe. I do know that the next day I'm going to Jeff's Spanish class. I hope the teacher doesn't call on me, I haven't been keeping up with my homework. Sometime a bit after 2 we'll leave with Jeff's (excuse me one second...Dah, fuck you stupid bitch, don't come into my work acting all rude and bitchy when I'm trying to help your stupid fucking ass out, fuck you, go and die) friend, Jay accompanying us.

I'm at work by the way, in case you didn't know. God, I need a new Job, I'm so tired of this shit, the same goddamn fucking assholes, every time. I swear. I've been putting off looking around for a new job because of the whole having to dress nice and shave part. I just realized that I'm at work, dressed nice and shaved so I might as well pick up a few applications when I get off. Anyways where the hell was I. I've never wrote a journal like this, I'm literally writing everything that comes into my head as it comes. It's strange.

So the four of us will make the voyage back to Athens...where I will have just been the day before. More people will be there and we'll drink and live happily ever after. I'm really looking forward to it.

There was a point to writing this but I've long forgotten, I had more to say but no longer remember what it was. Anyways, I saw Knockaround Guys yesterday. I thought it was really good, it's the first movie I've seen in a theater since Minority Report with Craig and Andrew. I also bought the Elvis number one hits cd and Bob Dylan's "blood on the tracks", both are really good. When I got back I found a 10 dollar off coupon for media play that had just arrived in the mail so I was like dah. I'll have to go buy another cd now.

Why when I write a paper for class I sound articulate and intelligent. Here I'm like "Me drive far. Me pick people up. Drive more."
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