Code Geass: Complete Best CD Review

Jan 20, 2009 19:46

So my copy of Code Geass: Complete Best came in the mail today. I'm not kidding when I say I was looking forward to opening this package all day, and it was for a good reason as well. Behind the various cuts are tidbits of information/pictures of...well, everything. I'll try my best to give as much information as I can at the moment, however if there's anything you want to know just post a comment here.

Also, as of right now I have not had a chance to rip any music or video from these CDs. Please do not ask. Thank you ^^


All pictures can be found on my flickr!:

Lets get the show on the road!

Bidoof: By golly! What is that...?

Bidoof: It's from Japan! Wow! What a long trip, yup yup. I'd like to go there some day, yes siree! I wonder what's inside.

*sounds of package opening*

Bidoof: Green tissue paper!! :B

Bidoof: Bubble wrap!! :BB

Bidoof: Wow! Code Geass: Complete Best CD GET!!

The box itself is really nice. It is pretty much a deluxe CD box - I can't really describe it any other way. On the front there's Lelouch in his lovely emporer outfit, while on the back you see Zerozaku, I think. Nothing is really written on the sides, and inside the box is black.

Tracklisting: (appears as a sticker on the plastic that surrounds the box)

Upon opening the box, you are shown this lovely image:

It is basically the booklet with all of the lyrics of the songs, as well as some other things I'm not quite sure of ^^". Below is a picture, and later when I have more time I'll take more pictures (I can't scan because I don't want to wreck the binding ^^")

Next up is the "Code Geass Story Book". It looks like this book has a pretty decent summary of the plot of Code Geass...but at the same time, I can't help but feel like it has more info than that. Eventually I'll get around to taking pictures of all of the pages so somebody can translate it ^^

This...just made me want to cry T____T Each poem has a sketch matching it, illustrating that person's emotions towards Lelouch's death (I think). I only took a picture of Suzaku's at the moment, however I'll get around to taking pictures of everybody eventually.

Next is the (actual) CD case!

On the front there's Lelouch and Nunnally, while on the back Orange-kun and C.C. On the CD there is an image of the Lancelot.

More on the music/monologues later ^^

Following the scheme of the CD case, the DVD case has Suzaku and Schinzel on the front, Kallen and Xingke on the back, and the Guren on the CD.

Finally, there was a little surprise left at the bottom of the box...

Postcard versions of all of the single covers! I spazzed when I saw these, I was so excited. I knew that the box would come with postcards, but postcards of the most epic art from the series? They are freaking amazing.

Plus, there was this one thrown in there, I'm not sure which CD its from, but afdsf. It's amazing:

Seriously, this picture does not do it justice. New most favorite picture of Lelouch ever!

To put it quite simply, the CD contains all of the opening and ending songs from Code Geass. They're virtually identical to the ones from the previous singles.

The monologues between the tracks, however, are a different story. At the beginning of each set of opening/ending, C.C. has a 30-45 second blurb about, well...something. My Japanese isn't perfect, but the first monologue is identical to the one she says in the first episode before the intro (I think). The others are a mystery to me. I was able to glean the following line from the last one, however:

"Ahh, Lelouch...right are happy." ~ C.C.

My translation isn't perfect, I imagine, but it gets the point across. I almost cried when I heard her whisper it T___T.

Above is a quick shot from the opening of the DVD, before the menu shows up. All of the characters quickly flash by while Lelouch remains in the center.

The DVD has two versions of most intros: a "type1" and a "type2". I don't really remember much about the intros, however I want to say that one version was merely an alternate while the other was the one shown, however I'd have to rewatch them to see if I'm correct. All are textless, and look absolutely fabulous! I'll try to take some screenshots later if I can - eventually I hope to rip the video off the disks.

So there you have it! Please let me know if you have any questions or want to see anything particular from the set. Also, if somebody wants to translate C.C.'s monologues post a comment here - I'll try to get a copy of them to you ASAP (right now I'm just being lazy, haha :D)

review, code geass, cd, music

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