May 09, 2009 08:25
Went to see the new movie yesterday and it is easily the best Star Trek film, and possibly the best Sci-fi film of all time. It's some of the most brilliant stuff I've ever seen. This movie is like a presequal because it takes place because of events in the last Star Trek movie but the entire movie takes place before the original series. And due to the events involved the past Star Trek series (with the exception of Star Trek Enterprise) are no longer relevant to the canon as it's now an altered time line and Star Trek can start anew. The old stuff was fun but the problem is that the spin-offs didn't age well, but Trek is now reborn for a new generation of Trekkies. And for the hard core fans who don't like...what are you going to do about it? Watch Wrath of Khan for the 350th time?
Now the movie takes twists and turns that throw Kirk and crew together a lot earlier as they get thrown together on the new USS Enterprise as a emergency supplemental crew members and due to a number of unprecedented events are forced to take command of the situation. I won't spoil everything but take just about everything you know about Star Trek and throw it out the window cause you'll never know what they'll do next, except the 'red shirt' still dies.
The characters stay true to the personalities established in the original series and have much of the same chemistry, just at a younger age and I think they manage to pull it off quite well. The new appearance of the Enterprise isn't the best from the rear but from every other angle she's a thing of beauty. The visual effects are spectacular, the fight scenes are genius, and there are just no words to describe how awesome this movie is.
If you haven't scene this movie yet, go now! You won't regret it.