Я уже не в Таиланде, месяц, как в Италии, среди Альп. Выиграл возможность побороться за посевные €25k, снабжен визой на пол года и всесторонней поддержкой. Далее все, что касается этой программы, буду писать на английском, чтобы было понятно моим международным друзьям.
A month at TechPeaks
Before the Alps
Verona Train StationIn April 2013 I was on Koh Samui, Thailand, for a year and a half at that moment, working on a start-up as a hired CTO, experimenting with ideas of my own, helping few other projects succeed.
However, the lazy groove of a tropical island, endless summertime in a touristic destination is not the kind of environment you are after to be productive, stay sharp and pursue big goals.
My two Macbooks melted there, one after another. Maybe this was one of the signs to me that I'm in a bowl put on a slow fire, and the time to leave has come.
I noticed TechPeaks call and decided to apply, with no particular expectations. The more it is undefined in the beginning, the better might be the outcome. Not really counting on being accepted I moved from Thailand back to Moscow, my hometown, delighted to meet my friends and family, see the last snow on the ground (in April, yes), and enjoy how the city changed for good over the years.
To my surprise, the application I submitted close to the deadline, was accepted! So I quickly wrapped up current working projects and visited St. Petersburg where we met with
Vladimir Shulyak, now the CTO of @MapNaut (funded!).
The program scheduled to start in the last days of May, but getting Italian visa is not a simple process. It took some weeks, and with a strongest support from TechPeaks utilizing all the possible and impossible channels to speed up the process, I finally got mine on June 11, and on 16th arrived to the Adige river valley.