just call me tivo goddess

May 05, 2004 14:14

i finally figured out how to work my tv, digital cable, a/v receiver, karaoke player, tivo and dvd player. omigosh, who knew?? i shoulda been an electrical engineer! why didn't i study that in college???

oh yeah, i just remembered how much i hated that stuff in school. no, i'm still happy that i majored in international politics. some may call it a b.s. major but i sure did have fun in school learning all that stuff.

and if you're wondering why i have such a huge (maybe not so huge) entertainment center... i just have two words for you: korean & dad. i'm korean, therefore i have a karaoke machine... and my dad is a big gadget freak. so, i have a huge big screen tv and all the other goodies. man, how can i leave all this behind????

btw, i got a verbal job offer from this company out in alameda!! therasense... which was bought by abbott laboratories. it's kinda far but this is where i'm supposed to be. i had interviewed with this company last year (around the same time) for their project design coordinator position but i turned it down... maybe it was the location that turned me off the most. well, as some of you know, i quit my last job in march. i don't remember being that miserable at a job. i was so unhappy there. and this was the job that i chose over therasense. and i had kicked myself for not going with therasense for the past several months! well, a few weeks ago, the recruiter from therasense called me asking what my employment status was currently and if i was interested in interviewing again for the same position! they remembered me after a whole year and wanted me back! so of course, i interviewed with them last week and they pretty much gave me a verbal offer that day. i'm so stoked. i haven't received the hardcopy of the offer yet but i think this is what i'm going to go with. few other companies that i had interviewed with either hasn't panned out or they never bothered to call me back! how rude. but my start date will be may 17th. right after i get back from my trip to southern california. :)

i'm going to be in sf all of next week for a temp assignment that i had agreed to do a few weeks back, when i had no other plans... so dwell, you up for starbucks finally??? i'm going to be in your neck of woods. :)

did anyone watch american idol last night??? omigosh, latoya is amazing! but then so is fantasia! i have a feeling jasmine will be voted off tonight!! any thoughts?
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