I feel that one of the best ways to start a journal/diary whether it be a personal one or an item that's meant to be read by others is to state it's purpose in it's first pages. You see I'm actually having a difficult time posting here for the first time since I do in fact keep a personal journal. This place, being Livejournal.com, would then serve as a second one which at first glance to me seems a little redundant and useless; I've never kept two fucking journals at the same time. I created this account yesterday afternoon but didn't write anything because I didn't know what the fuck to say. But I do have my reasons for creating an account and would now like to use those as basis for my first entry. Plus, now I have alcohol. Let's see what I can come up with...
It's no big secret to both my inner and outer circles of friends that I have a deep disdain for online network personal pages such as these; mySpace and Facebook being the two most mainstream leave a lot for me to imagine expletitives and the such to describe them (not that I have anything against mainstream, these two simply fit the bill of King and Queen of the personal interweb attention whoring spots; not that I have anything against that...it's just not my cup of tea and I like making fun of shit like that...plus Im kind of drunk. BTW don't take me for judgemental cause I'm really not, ask any one of my friends if you have the means to do so...things just seem funny to me at times.) Rambling..
Anyways, it's really hard for me to make a first post like this because of the aforementioned reasons. Or should I say reason since I dont really have multiple ones. Rambling. I decided, however, to open up one because people keep fucking getting on my case about not having a mySpace or Facebook account and that it's really really hard to keep in touch with me since I screen my calls and tend not to answer my phone when I don't feel like it and don't check my numerous email accounts and reply back to people very
often. Damn rambling. Does that make me a bad person? Or is it that I'm simply evasive? Or does that make me apathetic? Well whatever, this is in part a personal way of perhaps getting back in touch with some old friends or to simply let them know I'm okay since most of them don't really have livejournal accounts and instead have either of the other two I've mentioned three times now; I can just let them know, "Hey I've got a livejournal account...go check it out yo." Rambling.
The other reason I opened this account up, and somewhat related to the above paragraph, is that I've quite enjoyed living here in San Francisco and have managed to make quite a number of friends working at my current job. Unfortunately the store's closing at the end of April and all of the fun people I've gotten to know are getting laid off, myself not being an exception. I've gotten numerous requests for my mySpace/facebook so that "we can all keep in touch," to which I answer with my sad, "fuck I don't got one..." This is coupled with the fact that I look upon uncertain horizons when it comes to my future (it's actually not as bad as it sounds, the bohemian or free spirit in me is quite excited for what's to come since it's best described in three words "I don't know." Rambling.) since there's a possible eventuality that I might be leaving the city sometime soon (or not; it depends). Once again, this is a way for me to make a way for other's to "keep in touch."
Finally, I have realized that despite the fact that I have made a few friends here and there, not a lot of them actually "really" know me that well. I absolutely do not mind being just another "guy you shared a beer with" or "that guy who actually showed up to my party" or that "guy who I had lunch with a couple of times," but I would like to at least provide some insight as to who I am and what depths I possess. I firmly believe that all people have depth to them and that that's what makes individuals so fascinating. Rambling. That's not to say that I'm a fascinating person...that's for you to decide; you might find me very well to be quite boring and shallow, who knows? Regardless, this is, I can see now, a vehicle through which you might get to know a facet of me; all people are multi faceted, that's related to depth. Rambling. Unfortunately you won't really "get to completely" know me unless you actually have the means to start hanging out with me in person; even then you might not be able to do that. But I will say that if you do care to read what I have to say, I will make an effort to entertain you, let you know what's going on with my life, and hopefully get to know you if you comment on what I post. I look forward to seeing if this is really a "kewl" thing to do, blogging and letting the interwebs know about my life, and if it really isn't that much a waste of time; and even if it is, at least you're having fun doing it right? Well let's see where it goes from here.
A Final Addendum: It's obvious I've written this journal so that others might read it; the posts I'll make in the future will probably be likewise so I'm seeing that it's gonna be quite different from my personal one. Regardless, I may copy some stuff from it and post here in the hope of being as open as possible without being weird...because I am...whatever, I hope you enjoy the shit I put here.