Jul 17, 2006 10:18
Today they had a funeral for Thomas Burke, he was on the people on the Board of Trustees. Not that this is a moving moment in my life, I just thought it was strange that they had his funeral on campus and that all the Brothers we dressed up in their ceremonial garb. Seriously I wanted to be like, "Look a level 26 monk" or something nerdy like that. I thought about going to the funeral, but I thought it just a tad bit disrespectful to go to the funeral of someone you don't give two flying fucks about.
As of the 26th of July, I begin my offical duties as the treasure of the student government. Long story short I'm completely unprepared, have no clue how to fill out requisition forms, how to file reciepts, etc, etc. Well I suppose that I'll learrn as I go along. I've been put in charge of about 100,000 dollars, all of which I would love to withdraw and run to a non-extradition country. In all honesty I would say that I have the most power in the Student Government, because of the soul fact that I control the purse strings. I'm worried about how I'll do on the SGA and the Board of Finance, but I'm sure that everything will work out.