
Apr 30, 2011 14:44

1. Player Information
Name (or internet handle): Anne
Current characters in Bete Noire: None

2. Character Information
Name: James Tiberius Kirk
Livejournal Username: fartherthan
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Reserve: here

3. Character Information II
Age/Appearance: Jim is 25 years old, has blond hair and blue eyes and can usually be found wearing a cheeky grin. He stands 6'1 and thanks to a rigourous Starfleet excercise routine he's in pretty good shape.

History: From Memory Alpha and Memory Beta

He's self-assured and confident. This makes him able to be able to make vital decisions while under pressure and not second-guess himself, which is a great skill to have, as Captain. He's determined in what he does, and never considers failure as an option. If he wants to, he can do it. In some cases this determination can be mistaken to be arrogance, in some cases it is arrogance, the kind that only a young man who's yet to be properly put in his place can muster.

His charisma has helped with that. Jim is a people person. He's learned how to smile winningly and charm people; either to get a number, or to talk his way out of an overnight stay behind bars. Not that this always works, as repeated visits to the county jail (and bloody noses in the back alleys of nightclubs) will tell.

He knows how to have fun and take each moment as it comes. He's an optimist, ready to make the best of any situation. He's very much an idealist- if it's within his power to have things end well for everyone, he'll try to make it happen. But this won't stop him from doing what has to be done, no matter the consequences (see: how Jim became Captain).

He has an instinct for how, in the right moment, to take command and quickly seek out both the heart of a problem and a solution. Creative thinking is on his side here; more than once he's escaped a pinch because he thought up a way around that no one else foresaw. He's also smart, ridiculously so. He completed the Academy courses in three years instead of the usual four, even before joining he had a more than average general knowledge.

Contrary to popular opinion, there is more to Jim than meets the eye. Behind the confident exterior Jim is very observant of both people and situations. He keeps his thought process to himself and takes his responsibilities very seriously. While he makes friends as the drop of a hat, there are very few people Jim will let himself get truly close to.

He feels a fierce sense of loyalty to the people who work with him. For all that he jokes and teases the people around him while acting like a big-headed prat, he relies heavily on them for support. They're as much a part of his identity as Captain as the yellow sweater. He struggles to show this in appropriate ways (Uhura might vouch for this) and he's still working through exactly what this will mean now that he's captain of the Enterprise.

He has a bit of a self-worth complex when it comes to his father. George Kirk's achievements have always appeared to be a slap in the face to Jim, because no matter how well he did his father saved eight hundred lives in twelve minutes and really, how do you live up to that? Having come into his own after the Nerada incident has helped him become more confident, but he still feels the need to prove himself to others.

Sexual Preferences/Orientation: Sex? Yes please.

While not quite the hedonist his reputation makes him out to be, Jim enjoys sex and just about everything that goes along with it. If it's fun and no one's getting hurt, he'll do it(him/her/anything/anywhere/anytime/are you keen?/I'm ready if you are/you get the idea). While he prefers women, if a guy catches his eye or he theirs that's fine too.

Jim tries (keyword: tries) not to get too deep of an emotional connection with his sexual partners. He doesn't see himself settling down anytime soon (or hadn't while on the Enterprise) and thanks to less than stellar parental figures, serious commitment is a daunting prospect to him.

Powers: None.

Reason for playing: I'm interested in reboot!Jim's development from drunken lout to Starship Captain and how he'll cope with the change of losing the Enterprise- which he's worked so hard for. I'm also interested in how he'll deal with balancing the appeal of the City of Sin with the responsibility he feels towards his crew.

I'd be lying if I said the potential interaction between him and the AU'd versions of his crew wasn't also an incredibly appealing reason to play Jim here.

5. Samples
First-Person: Dear_mun
(I realise this is with a different Jim account of mine, at the time I wasn't sure which journal I wanted to app with... is this still alright?)

Third-Person: In a universe where transporters can beam you in and out of just about anywhere, suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar city isn't too big of a cause for concern as it might be. When your job is to explore the galaxy and make first contact with aliens more often than not, abduction like this is sometimes to be expected. There's no obvious danger- nothing trying to kill him. Yet.

When he can't get through to the Enterprise that Jim starts to be a little more concerned. His tricorder is working, he's tested it on himself to be sure. He reasons that anything strong enough to beam him through the Enterprises shields likely has technology able to disrupt communications as well. His attempts to communicate with whoever is behind this go unanswered. He decides that staying in one place (like all Starfleet manuals suggest in situations like this) is a stupid idea, because until he can contact the Enterprise there's little chance they'll find him.

When he finds some locals concern turns to confusion, because what they say is going on makes no sense. He starts to get messages back through his tricorder. Not from the Enterprise, but from others in the city. And though it's comforting to hear from Bones and Spock, the familiar looking older man with brown eyes and a piercing stare is anything but comforting.

Third-Person #2: A month and a half since last shoreleave and it might as well have been years. Creativity certainly helps pass the long nights, but there's really no comparison between some lube and his right hand and a warm, reciprocating partner. Not that he's got anything against imagining hard and fast sex in the turbolift with the Brunette from Engineering. Or even having a thorough physical from Nurse Chapel (the woman has talented hands). Or taking Uhura right over her station...

Thanks to a self-imposed ban on sleeping with any of the crew (and in Uhura's case, a healthy desire to not be thrown out of an airlock by Spock again) none of that's likely to happen.

What is likely to happen is this blue-skinned girl he's been drinking with for the last hour. She's wearing a skirt so short that his attention keeps getting distracted. She doesn't seem to mind though, whatever the cultural differences between them, her hand that high up his own thigh really can only mean one thing. Instinct proves him right yet again when she invites him back to her place after a few more drinks. Always ready to promote inter-species unity, Jim accepts.

They pass Bones (drinking alone, as he does) further down the bar and he rolls his eyes at them. Jim almost asks if Bones wants to join them; the look on his face would be hilarious. As he opens his mouth the image of Bones there, watching Jim and his girl go at it, drawling encouragement in that rough accent of his appears. (or better still- joining in. Bones has the most talented hands out of anyone Jim knows, and his direct, no-nonsense approach would be fantastic in bed...)

Jim shuts his mouth as a raging erection suddenly demands his attention. He keeps moving, hoping like hell Bones doesn't notice and thankful that he's not wearing overly tight jeans. Thankfully, once out of the bar the girl notices and, incredibly flattered, gives him a little attention in a side alley. By the time they make it to her apartment (not even bothering to make it to the bedroom. There's a table in the hallways that serves their purposes quite nicely) Jim's all but forgotten that little interlude.

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