Title: That Monster Under The Bed Author: triplebagel Recipient: hollabee Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Pairing: Rafael Nadal/Marc Lopez Prompt: Sharing hotel rooms Rating: PG-13
I never envisioned Rafa as a guy to talk about his feelings, haha, but he is extremely touchy-feeley. *snicker* So I could totally see this being his approach. Too afraid to say anything, but more than happy to just snuggle.
No problem! I'm sorry there wasn't a Valentine's element to it. I was a complete idiot and forgot that was supposed to be the aim, then realized it after the Rotterdam tournament had already started, so had no time to add it in. /o\
Oh, don't worry! I don't consider myself a Rafa fan, but I also don't hate Rafa. Writing him usually makes me feel a bit awkward, but writing him with Marc is no problem for me. They are just that cute together. <3
Comments 14
That's the effect Marc has on me. I coo and write cutesy fic. : P
I never envisioned Rafa as a guy to talk about his feelings, haha, but he is extremely touchy-feeley. *snicker* So I could totally see this being his approach. Too afraid to say anything, but more than happy to just snuggle.
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No problem! I'm sorry there wasn't a Valentine's element to it. I was a complete idiot and forgot that was supposed to be the aim, then realized it after the Rotterdam tournament had already started, so had no time to add it in. /o\
Oh, don't worry! I don't consider myself a Rafa fan, but I also don't hate Rafa. Writing him usually makes me feel a bit awkward, but writing him with Marc is no problem for me. They are just that cute together. <3
Glad you liked it!
Haha, he so would be. His own relationships are a mess, but he's ace at managing other people's. XD You know they'd never hear the end of it.
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Awww, thank you! I'm so happy to hear you liked it. Writing Marc and Rafa is always so much fun. Those two are just so adorable together!
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