LJ Interests meme results
- cancun ii:
My favorite resturant in Savannah. Cancun II is the second location of the mexican resturant I grew to love on Abercorn on the southside. Cancun II was a new location that was only 1/2 mile away from my last apartment in Savannah on Wilmington island. - elvis costello:
A great singer and songwriter made popular in the 80s for his mix of new wave and punk. Me likee "Allison," and "Every Day I write the Book." If only someone would sing those to me... - futurama:
The best sci-fi animated show. I also have a cartoon crush on Fry.
Beaurocrat: "You there! Why is there yogurt in this cap?"
Fry: "You see... it used to be milk and, well, time makes fools of us all." - harry potter:
Duh, the best childrens books. If I were only a couple years younger I would have a total crush on the actor that plays him or Ron but as it stands now that's illegal. - make out:
kissing! Lots of kissing! - nerf hearder:
Super awesome pop punk band that I love with such favorites as "Nose Ring Girl," "Hi Five Anxiety," and "Pantera Fans in Love." - penguins:
I just love em. They have cute walks. Side story my favorite line about penguins was spoken by my long ago friend Ty. We were in the candy aisle at Meijer and they had gummi penguins that were very cute and good looking to eat. Since I am vegetarian I couldn't eat them. I asked Ty to eat one for me and tell me if they were good. He ate one and said, "Gross. I would rather eat a real penguin." - scad:
The undergrad college I went to Savannah College of Art and Design where I majored in funny books. - the anniversary:
A good emo band that I got to go see in Savannah. One of the only shows I went to where I actually really wanted to go and actually liked and had heard of the band. My favorite song is track one on "Building a Nervous Breakdown." - the witching hour:
A comic book I used to read with really good art tho I can't remember who by. Also an Anne Rice novel that I read during "my dark years" or as more commonly referred to as Middle School.
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I am excited to be going to see The Unlovables. If you are in the Chicago area you should go too so I'm not alone!