Title: Thus, I Stand Vigil. (061.
Characters/Pairing: Albus/Helena.
Rating: G
Word Count: 479
Summary: Shameless fluff for Jackie <3
A/N: Founders AU.
Disclaimer: JKR is God, I just fool around a bit.
Tissues littered the floor from the dormitory steps to the common room door. All the couches had been arranged so they were all closer to the fire. During the past few weeks, every member of Ravenclaw house had fallen victim to what had become affectionately known as the Viral Plague. The most recent casualty was curled up in the corner closest to the fire, smothered in blankets.
“Don’t come near me, I’m contagious.” The red-nosed creature was cross and needed appeasing - a task Albus had been working on for the past few hours. There was a sniffle and he tilted his head at the large paper bag he was carrying, feigning disappointment.
“That’s unfortunate; I’d brought hot chocolate and everything.” He shrugged and made as if to walk away.
“Hot chocolate?” The rest of Helena’s face emerged from underneath the blankets, her expression a stuffed-up combination of hope and the flu.
“Mmhmm. Marshmallows too. As well as melting chocolate and bananas and stuff for dipping.” Atia had suggested fondue, but he didn’t know how to make that. Melted chocolate was the next best thing. He set the emergency hot chocolate from Puddifoot’s on the stack of books that had somehow become the coffee table. Two eager hands shot out from their bundle and Helena cradled the cup close to her chest.
“You’re still not coming any closer,” she informed him as he dropped onto the couch beside her.
“Because McGrumpy the Quilt Monster is really in a position to stop me,” he grinned, deliberately scooting over a bit and stretching his arms out over the back of the couch. “I’m not afraid of Helena-germs.” He spent a few moments tucking the blankets back in where she had wriggled out of them and slipped one arm around her shoulders, looking up again to find her watching him curiously. “What?”
“You’re not bothered in the slightest? People die from this, Albus.”
“As one of the only people in the house who will willingly approach you and your short temper,” he gently batted away the hand that sought revenge for that statement, “I think it’s my job to look after you.” He tugged over the bag of shopping. He had orange juice, other fruit juices, fruit in general, chicken soup, tomato soup, tea, more hot chocolate, more tissues… Everything on the list Atia had thrown at him. “Thus armed, I stand vigil over you and your runny nose.”
“My vigil?” Rosy cheeks and an equally rosy nose smiled up at him and Albus just couldn’t help himself. Without thinking twice, he leaned in to kiss her, mildly surprised when it took a minute before she pushed him away. “Sorry,” Helena sniffled, pulling the blanket tighter around her face, “I couldn’t breathe.”
Albus settled for kissing her on the forehead and pulled himself to his feet. “I’ll see if Madam Pomfrey’s got anything.”