May 15, 2005 19:28
Been awhile since I updated. Well lets see. Last friday was our last day of school. Hurray for being a Senior! But sadly I must return to school tomarrow so I can get this piece of paper sign so I can do this somewhat of a passing graduating thing. Yea i need signitures from all my teachers and then turn into guidence, but one of my teachers wasn't there and plus I had to turn in this portfolio to my other teacher so I can pass her class.
Im not going to turn in the Portfolio, im going to fail her class purposly. I need that class in order to graduate. I'll make it up during summer break. Not really a hassle to tell the truth. In any case, in my year long depress state and not having faith in myself to graduate in the first place due to the fact the school was going to hold me back because they lost my credit (to which found really late in the game), I didnt bother to order my cap and gown for graduation. Hence one reason im going to take summer school to pass.
Sure my friend wouldnt like the idea of me not graduating along side with them, specially my g/f, I feel shitty about it myself too, but its my fault for not having faith in myself and having to be consume by my own weakness. I must pay for my sins in a way.
Anywho, with that planed out, after summer school, I'll be probaly looking for a second job cause I'll be finally moving out! w00t! Im moving to a new apartment with 3 of my friends. I finally get to escape my mom and my brother. Sweet!! If my g/f isnt still pist off at me abut the graduation i hope to spend some actual alone time with her for once in the security of my own room. ^^