Age: Unknown. Appears about 19.
Height: About 5'2".
Weight: Underweight. 100 lbs or less.
Eyes: Unknown.
Hair: Blond.
Medical info: Laboratory experimented. He was artificially implanted with magic powers.
What's okay to mention around him: Everything. He will have a hard time comprehending what's unfamiliar to him though.
Notes for the psychics: Being a laboratory experiment, his mind is pretty broken. It's hard to get into his head but...his thoughts can be pretty crazy and uncomprehendable, and there will be strong emotions of hate and a desire for revenge.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: It's fine with me.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: It's fine with me, but he won't handle it too well.
Maim/murder/death: Ask permission first~