Brandon about my birthday

Aug 27, 2004 21:02

That's right folks, I'm finally getting around to posting pictures! Some from Mo's birthday party a couple weekends ago, some others from Michelle's birthday party the weekend after. Woo.

Anyway, so first off we have some of Mo opening various gifts at her mom and grandma's house down here. Always has been cute how excited she gets over such things. So we have , , and

Next is a one of Michelle looking beautiful as Liz and I were taking her out to birthday dinner on State Street on her actual birthday, a couple days before the party.

Next is Liz at the masque, in her Spirited Away costume. Very well done, even people with only a little familiarity with the movie were recognizing her character, and you couldn't tell that it was actually Liz under it. In the background we have preperations underway for puddingage. I don't actually have any pictures of that, since I was sort of *in* it, and that would be a very bad place for a digital camera. If anyone else actually has pics of that, let me know.

Next is a picture of Mo showing off the tatoo that Amy drew with a sharpie. Very impressive. And the dress and veil were self made as well (right, Mo?) and turned out looking good. and are Michelle sitting down to to open gifts at her party. She made her own dress as well, and it turned out very well. Even if it was the cause of alot of stress in the couple days beforehand. I'm somewhat annoyed that it turns out that I didn't get any good pictures where you can see the entire dress. But tis too late to worry about that now.

Sun's starting to go down, cool enough that I can go back to working outside. So I be off.
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