No more stars for a little while I hope.
Oh, how I missed all of you! Somehow more this summer than any other. Perhaps because of these journals? And then halfway through Sirius was gone and I was alone. They took most of my books but I kept the tapes and the little player I had from Kirley-thank you so much! I don't think I would have gotten through it without that!
Or the er, daily owls. Thank you, sweetie.
Now we're back and Xiomara and I are bunked together, and it's somehow cozier than in past years, or maybe it's just that she needs something to pour her energy into nowadays. We are having many late night chats and many brisk walks around the grounds. It is difficult to keep up with her, and I know she's going a bit slower on my behalf! But I'm hoping that between that and trying to stay away from the cakes I will be able to stay where I am now without resorting to what Sirius always referred to as rabbit food. I'm still not as slim as my sisters but I'm not sure I need to be. Well, now that I'm away from all of them, anyway. And as Xiomara says, if being slim gets me someone like Lucius, and being a bit round gets me someone like Ted, who wants to be slim?
It's good to see Sirius so happy and out of that horrible horrible house. He says I'll be out soon but we'll see. However, the rest of Gryffindor House seems to have become some kind of melodrama. I think we will soon need scorecards and some sort of diagram posted in the Great Hall. And I like all these people, very much! (Well, perhaps not Potter, but then, I'm not sure he'd deign to acknowledge my existence were I not Sirius' cousin.)
As for this ridiculous duel: Kirley, beat the tar out of that
lilaclockhart. Don't worry about Ted; Sirius wouldn't dare touch him. I looked up the rules about seconds in the library:
When a duellist refuses to accept his opponent’s surrender, he may be stopped by his opponent’s seconds. Seconds who order to do so will intervene to stop the duel by drawing wands on the winner of the duel. The winner or his seconds may opt to fight them to carry on the duel, and the ensuing fight(s) will be treated as separate duels . . . with the loser’s seconds having to face the victor’s seconds before they can face the duel’s victor. . . . Anyone who fights the second of the loser of a duel, or who kills an opponent after he has surrendered immediately loses a social level.
So, as long as Kirley accepts Lockhart's surrender, Ted is as safe as houses. Not that he couldn't take care of himself of course as he is an excellent wizard who scored an A on his Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL and is very kind and good looking which should count for something.
Now I have to go give a boy a new pillow and a neck rub. Xiomara, Sirius, enough of your smart remarks, now.