Title: Magic
Pairing: Watanabe Shota / Miyadate Ryota
A/N: Day 9 of the Fictober Challenge I decided to try
(here) .
Day 09 - Magic
Sparkles, shiny drops of red floating in the air, like tiny rubies. The little boy wipes his tears on his wrinkled sleeve, stares at them in awe, as his friend stretches his hand out, opens his palm and curls his fingers in and out, makes the sparkles dance in the air.
“Look, look, Shota, they’re flying!”
And he does, he does look, clapping his hands as new tears form in his eyes, but he doesn’t move, still sitting by the porch at the garden, even though his mother told him to be back before it gets dark. But it doesn’t matter, because his friend is now waving his hand, sends all the red sparkles towards Shota, guides them carefully onto his bleeding knee with that focused frown. Big boys don’t cry when they fall down, but Shota is not a big boy, he doesn’t want to grow up, and his knee did hurt when he fell down, so he’s gonna keep crying, and it doesn’t matter what the adults say.
His mouth is wide open now, as well as his eyes, watches the red sparkles touch his skin, his wound. It feels warm for a second, and then cool, and the boy in front of him leans even closer, gritting his teeth. Don’t cry, Shota, I’ll make it go away, I can make it go away!
He did say that, and now they’re both staring, completely frozen, watch as his knee seems to be surrounded in a red light. And slowly, the blood disappears, the wound seems to be closing…
Shota lifts his eyes on his friend’s face, who seems equally surprised by himself, even though he had already promised he could do it. “You did it, Ryota, you did it! Look, it doesn’t hurt anymore!”
The boy smiles at him, a shy smile before he sits next to him on the porch, pulls his handkerchief out of his jacket and hands it to Shota. “So you won’t cry anymore, ok?” he asks, and Shota nods with a huge grin, before he wipes his face with the handkerchief. “Dad said I can’t show it to anyone because they’ll be scared, but now that I made your knee ok…can we still be friends?”
His face, so pure, so worried, that Shota will turn him down, or maybe that he’s scared, that he’ll tell everyone what a freak he is. But Shota is a good friend, his mom told him to always be a good friend. And he can keep a secret, yes, he can.
“Yes, Ryota, we can still be friends.” He assures him, lowers his voice with a mysterious chuckle, because hey, they can’t be heard by the adults, right? “And maybe when I grow up, maybe I will also have my own sparkles and I will make your pain go away!”
The face feels frozen in his hands, the blue sparkles fading into his skin, but no light is coming out. Shota can’t feel his tears on his cheeks anymore, can’t feel anything, just pain. He lets go of the body in his arms, shakes his hands violently, until more blue sparkles emerge. Then takes the body in his hands again, presses his palm against the cold cheek, the forehead that feels like ice under his fingers.
“Come on, Ryota, come on, I promised…” he chokes, shaking him, because that’s also magic, that’s also going to wake him up. “I promised I would make your pain go away with my own sparkles when I grow up, come on…please…”
Big boys don’t cry, adults don’t cry. But Shota cries, for the people he treasures, the people his magic cannot save. He presses his hand on Ryota’s heart now, almost claws at his skin, the sparkles turning into flames. So much blood, so much blood…
“Come on, please, I promised…”