Fictober 2019 Day 31 - Prompt: Halloween

Oct 31, 2019 21:35

Title: Halloween
Pairing: Abe Aran / Morita Myuto
A/N: Day 31 of the Fictober Challenge I decided to try (here) .

Day 31 - Halloween

Coming home to find the lights out doesn’t take Aran by surprise, and he drops his jacket on the couch, follows with his eyes the thin line of light that seems to be coming from the ajar door of the bedroom. It’s not that late, but it’s already getting dark outside, and he probably spent more time outside with the others than he was planning.

Still, he makes his way there, pushes the door open slowly, and Myuto is standing there, staring down on the bed, all the clothes scattered on it. Aran stands still for a brief moment, arms crossed to his chest; Myuto doesn’t seem to notice him, still humming skeptically.

“Which one…”

“These are all your Halloween costumes from the previous years, aren’t they?”

Myuto turns his head slowly, and Aran grins at him with a shrug, taking a better look at the costumes on the bed. Each of them a different memory, each of them a different birthday. But all of them with Myuto, all of them Myuto’s.

“I wasn’t sure if I should put them away or put them back inside, or…”

Aran takes a couple of steps towards him, and then he wraps his arms around his waist, resting his head on his back. “Happy Birthday.” He says softly, because that’s the thing that matters the most to him, that’s the most important event of today. And after a few seconds, Myuto hugs him back, a soft snicker escaping his lips.



fictober 2019, drabble

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