Leather Reign

Nov 08, 2012 21:31

Thursday Stardate 2012 Eleventh Moon, Eighth Sun

Tomorrow I head up to Seattle for a workshop on relationships, communication and personal growth. I am quite looking forward to it. I went last year shortly after my breakdown and my knee surgery and I had lost my voice that weekend too, so I was a big mess. This year I am so much stronger and the workshops won't be so exhausting like they were to me last year. I also get to stay in the host hotel not the cheap one down the street. The woman who I watched her cat for 10 days while she was on vacation has paid my entry fee and we are sharing a hotel room as well as the drive. She registered me and while I had said to register me for the barebones convention, she has also registered me for the keynote dinner on Saturday and keynote lunch on Sunday as well as the cocktail party on Saturday night.ACK! That's an extra hundred bucks that she totally did not need to spend on me! sheesh. I told her she didn't need to pay me. I had enjoyed the haven of her home while caring for her highness the Queen (her cat is definitely royalty).

Short descriptions (my own) of the workshops offered this weekend.

*Allena - discover ways to bring a more positive culture into your life and community

Bart and nadine- dealing with domineering personalities

Liza and jody - community service and anticipating needs

Hugh - Foot work, Weight bearing techniques, kicking exercises

Bert and nadine - exploring our relationship successes, challenges, concerns

Tim - being versatile and changing roles within a relationship

Sea - the difference between embarrassment, humiliation, and degradation

Kristin - effective communication within the troubling relationships

Robert - ways to ensure and sustain a stable relationship

*Jazz - passive aggressive behavior within power imbalanced relationships

Sea - interview techniques, what questions to ask and how to interpret the answers

*John and ann - leadership, be the change you want to see, be part of the solution, not the problem

Liza and jody - family traditions, Military Protocol, Victorian Sensibilities and etiquette according to Emily Post

Robert - clarifying relationship dynamics with a focus on strengthening similar core values within the relationship

Patrick - relationships with traditions, values, history, institutions and its far-flung community

Patrick and patrick - taking a look at feeling lonely, actions to take to address it, community support and ways to prevent it

Ruin - ways to bring different dynamics and energies to community service

Morris and jonathan - sustaining a high quality, passionate relationship

ziggy - Serving for Service’s Sake -we will explore some reasons and situations in which this can work well

Tim - how to transition from relationships without screaming “I hate you I hate you I hate you.”

*Jonn - psychological elements of physical and emotional intimacy

Spencer - being tolerant and supportive in a diverse community

*Konraad and jazz - using the incredible power of ego exposure to strengthen relationships

Z - ball dance

Morris and jonathan - legal, relationship and community issues involved in determining a community standard on consent.

*Konraad and Jazz - dynamic-strengthening tools within an authority transferred relationship

Z - pros and cons of being in love.

Susan and ziggy - internal and external stereotypes, and how they can limit us from fully actualizing our identities

Susan - Women, Power, and Leadership, How does being raised in a patriarchal society affect our behavior?

Oh my goodness, it is going to be so difficult deciding which workshops to attend. They usually offer four options at a time. That means I will miss three workshops during each session! I totally love these kinds of events. If I could go to one every three or four months I would be thrilled. Many people hate meetings and self-improvement classes but I love them. I am excited about getting to go to the dinner and the lunch. I didn't do that last year due to finances. I really should be a social worker or a minister or something. I am such a people person and tech support is just so clinical most of the time. The asterisks mark names of people I know
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