Dec 09, 2005 21:21
so yea, this whole being super sick really blows. i think that all of the gasketts in my lower intestine have decided to take thier CMas vacation early. Played Majic?? Know the card Explosive Growth??? Yea thats definitly me right now, cept with the whole Explosive Direaa twist to it. sorry didnt mean to bore you with all of the nity gritty.
so for tomorrows schedule we have
-a trip to the bank before 12:00
-several phone calls to see if i can get the corsikka picked up
-the rest of all the Cmas shopping that i havent done so far.
-work at 4:00
-and im suppost to see my brother in denver for somesort of B-Day dinner that i cant even show for
if i get even 1 and 3 done tomorrow then ill be stoked.
ten more days until i have ten days off, yay i think??
god i needs me a tampon