006 - [action]

May 20, 2010 18:25

[Good evening, House 32. Your wayward hero has returned to you after his quiet vacation right off of his mortal coil, all expenses paid by the Dreadknight. Or rather, he has been returned, and is sitting propped neatly up against the front door with his also wayward boot in his lap ( Read more... )

the boot returns, you best come help me ed, ;edward, i never said it was a *good* idea, .action, ;leonid, i'll rest when i'm... oh wait, *ic, hasn't even had any mushrooms, now initiating psychological warfare

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[Action] wasn't sure how to tag, hope this is okay |D; flicker_flash May 21 2010, 15:28:04 UTC
[The resident compulsive liar comes home a short while after Edward helps Sigmund inside, creeping in the front door with a yawn. It's late (for a child, at least) and she should have come home a while ago, and she's half asleep on her feet for any number of reasons.

So bed sounds nice. But she's still going to ninja her way past Sigmund's bedroom like she's done most nights, hoping he's come back by now. ;;]


[Action] it's just fine chaincutter May 21 2010, 15:55:33 UTC
[The bedroom door is about half open, and Sigmund has most definitely come back. He's sitting in bed propped up by a considerable pile of pillows. There are a couple of candles burning in their holder on the bedside table - he stubbornly insists upon having them at hand, even though the new lights are brighter and more efficient - and he's reading the journal by their light, catching up on what happened while he was gone.

He glances up when he thinks he hears something. He sees you there, ninja girl. Is that a hint of a smile? Maybe it's just the candlelight.]

Hello, Katie.


[Action] 1/2 flicker_flash May 21 2010, 16:48:44 UTC
[Just...frozen at the door. Give her a moment.]


[Action] flicker_flash May 21 2010, 16:56:02 UTC
[She'll apologise later (if she remembers to, anyway). For now, it's very important to check he's real. Hope you don't mind being tackled by the ninja girl, Sigmund; she's across the room in two blinks, practically tackling him with a hug around the waist.]

You're back! Are you okay? Are you alive?


[Action] chaincutter May 21 2010, 17:11:28 UTC
[He rests a hand on top of her head. He doesn't mind, although he does try to scoot over a bit to give her room to sit down next to him if she wants. The flute echo is stronger than it was before. This experience has clearly brought something forward in his mind.]

Don't worry. I'm fine.


[Action] flicker_flash May 21 2010, 17:25:41 UTC
So you should be.

[Her attempt to sound stern kind of fails - Katie's voice is just a little wobbly, but knights don't cry, so she'll bite down on that urge and give him a pathetic scowl instead.

She's quiet for a moment, indulging in her hug. And listening to the flute - the fact that it's more clear now is a little worrying. But eventually, she'll take that extra space, climbing up properly on the bed to sit next to him, serious look on her face.]

Who was it?


[Action] chaincutter May 21 2010, 17:48:58 UTC
[That scowl is pathetic indeed. He stares for a bit - he's not very good at these things, but he knows what Svala would do if he was still small and scared and trying not to cry. So he holds one arm out. C'mere, kid.]

You mustn't put yourself in danger. [He can't imagine why else she'd be asking such a thing.]


[Action] flicker_flash May 21 2010, 18:25:35 UTC
...I wouldn't do that.

[And after fighting to keep her bottom lip from trembling - and failing, again - Katie gives in to temptation, curling in close and ducking her face against Sigmund's chest.

Knights don't cry. But maybe they're allowed to sniffle a little if nobody can see.]


[Action] chaincutter May 21 2010, 19:02:27 UTC
[Sigmund puts an arm around her shoulders and gives her a little squeeze. She can cry. He won't tell if she won't.]

It won't happen this way again. I promise.


[Action] flicker_flash May 21 2010, 19:48:51 UTC
[...promises are weighty things with the fae. He might feel it - the glimmer of an echo to his words, or the sound of a door slamming shut at the very edge of his hearing - but Katie herself just relaxes. It's a loose promise, too open to different interpretations, but she trusts the intent behind those words. And she'll help him keep it, one way or another.]


[And then she'll take him up on that unspoken offer. She's been holding those tears in all week.

As long as he doesn't tell, it's okay.]


[Action] chaincutter May 21 2010, 20:56:47 UTC
[Oh, he noticed that. He doesn't comment on it, but he definitely noticed it. His promise may have been vaguely worded, but he knows exactly what he meant by it. Either way, he doesn't give his word lightly, and he doesn't want to die again if he can help it.

And he's no doubt made people cry about him countless times over the years, but he can count the number of times people have cried on him on one hand. This is almost certainly the first time someone has cried on him about him. He's not entirely sure what to do, so he just rubs her back. That's soothing, right?]

It's alright. I'm back now.


[Action] flicker_flash May 22 2010, 01:10:39 UTC
[It's a very sleepy girl who eventually pulls back, looking sheepish. And elegantly wiping at a runny nose, to boot. Tempted to ask again who was responsible, but she has a feeling she knows already. Your squire, he has the most telltale echoes]

Do you need anything?


[Action] chaincutter May 22 2010, 01:35:05 UTC
[Well, a new shirt... But he doesn't say that. Instead, he reaches over and smooths her hair down. It's an oddly paternal gesture from a teenage boy.]

No, I've been well cared for already.


[Action] flicker_flash May 22 2010, 02:47:00 UTC
All right, then. [And she smiles.] And everything was fine while you were gone, so you needn't worry. Shall I let you get some sleep?


[Action] chaincutter May 22 2010, 03:00:25 UTC
[Let him get some sleep, as if she didn't look ready to fall over. He almost chuckles. He's wide awake.] Please, I'm very tired.


[Action] flicker_flash May 22 2010, 03:07:53 UTC
[Nodding. And climbing off the bed now. And ready to fall over, psh. You did not see her sway a little on her feet. Bed sounds delicious.

She still manages to give him a bow, though.]

Good night, Sigmund.

[Padding off to bed, yawning all the way.]


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