011 [voice/action]

Aug 20, 2010 07:45

Are there any musicians here? It has been too long since I was able to enjoy a performance. I would like to hear a song from your world. If you will indulge me, I will share one from mine.

[If any of those musicians (or anyone else) happens to be around house #47, they might hear some quiet flute music from that house's porch. Sigmund is mostly ( Read more... )

.voice, *ic, .action

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[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 20:08:26 UTC
[If he's playing on the porch, at some point during the day he'll probably see Edwyna heading down the road towards home. Though she isn't quite the Ed he knows - moreso now than ever, since, courtesy of Winry, she's received something of a makeover. Now wearing a slim and flowing summer dress (bound with her ever-present red ribbon, naturally), with very faint make-up and segments of her hair curled and pinned high on her head so it falls in more elegant layers. For once she looks like a lady rather than a swordswoman, which, while cool and comfortable, isn't nearly as pretty.

Despite the new look, she actually looks nervous rather than confident; she's never done anything like this before.]


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 20:46:40 UTC
[The porch is indeed where he spent the day. Surprisingly... mellow and undriven, for Sigmund, but then he's been in such a strangely good mood this week.

When he first notices Edwyna, it still takes him a moment to place her as Ed. Once he does, he stops playing abruptly, although he starts again after only a short pause. His posture stays calm, and he elects to finish the song instead of speaking. Even so, his eyes are on her now, not the grass just past their front step.]


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 21:00:14 UTC
[Sigmund in a good mood is definitely a good thing, and Edwyna smiles faintly as she realizes he's watching her. She continues walking towards the house until she reaches the porch, quietly stepping up to sit down beside him and listen to him play - not too close, but hardly distant, either. She's hoping he won't be made uncomfortable by it.]


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 21:28:47 UTC
[He's not uncomfortable so much as... aware. He finishes the song, the last note trailing off for much longer than it was written to, then lets his hands fall into his lap.]

That's quite a change.


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 21:43:13 UTC
[She reddens at that, fingers closing together on her knees. She feels oddly exposed in the dress, since it's not something she normally wears. But she has to keep reminding herself what - and who - she's doing this for; it's the only thing that's keeping her from fleeing to her room and getting dressed.]

Is it... a good change, my lord?


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 22:16:18 UTC
[Sigmund turns the flute over in his palms, something to occupy himself. She's asking for his approval, as if she needs it, as if it means anything. Maybe it does, to her. What does he know.]

It looks nice. ...You don't seem to like it.


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 22:30:48 UTC
[It looks nice! That's a compliment! From Sigmund! That's already enough to get her smiling again. Though she's still awfully red.]

No, it's... I'm not used to it. But I do like it.


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 22:35:11 UTC
What brought this on? [He thinks he knows that already, but he's going to make her say it anyway.]


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 22:40:36 UTC
[Fidget. She can't lie to him.] Winry suggested that I... do something special. [A pause.] ...For you.


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 22:45:14 UTC
[After a moment of thought, he sets the flute aside.] You didn't need to do that. [Shouldn't have.]


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 22:57:06 UTC
[But she wanted to. ...And she fidgets again, a little worried now.]

If it bothers you, I'll change immediately.


Re: [Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 23:16:42 UTC
No, I- [He sighs. How does he always get put in these situations?] I appreciate it.


[Action] vermified August 21 2010, 23:19:23 UTC
[And she's pleased at once, shifting over just a smidgen until her shoulder bumps against his.] I'm glad of that.


[Action] chaincutter August 21 2010, 23:37:32 UTC
[Sigmund shifts - not away, but in a sort of half shrug - and tucks his chin towards the opposite shoulder.]


[Action] vermified August 22 2010, 00:00:51 UTC
[Sigmund that was kind of pathetic. Then again she's not expecting great wonders of epiphanies or love confessions. Sigmund is Sigmund, and she's fine with that. The fact that he didn't move away is... important.

So with a smile she lifts her head, gazing at the sky.] What were you playing, my lord?


[Action] chaincutter August 22 2010, 00:17:54 UTC
I'm not sure. [That sounds really pathetic, doesn't it?] I overheard Capell playing it once.

[Remember Capell? His son? He thinks it would do her well to be reminded that the man she's leaning against is old, with a son her age. The attention is flattering - it always has been - but...]


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