008 ["voice"]

Jul 08, 2010 11:19

[A couple of inkspots appear on the page, as if the owner of the journal is pondering what to write. Then a short pause, and it switches over to voice. Or perhaps "voice." After a minute of nothing but the wind and the faint sound of the river, the entry is cut off by the sound of the journal closing ( Read more... )

;richard, questionable crafting skills, failed to think this through, yeah he's "amazing" alright, ;katie, ;edward, i have flipped some tables in my time, ;buffy, ;raine, wasn't trying for a dog whistle, .voice, ;ted, *ic, ;winry, is this thing on?

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[Voice] flicker_flash July 9 2010, 12:04:16 UTC
[You have a little eavesdropper, Sigmund. She's picking up a few choice curses there. :| And in total agreement with Zack about those heightened senses; the shrill sound makes her wince and pull back from the journal for a few moments before all that splashing finally gets her curious enough to interrupt him.]

Are you down at the lake?


[Voice] 1/2 chaincutter July 9 2010, 16:47:20 UTC
[Oh f-fffffffffffffffayel lemons, she did hear it. Katie why do you do this to him?]


[Voice] chaincutter July 9 2010, 16:48:11 UTC
[Ahem.] Do not repeat any of that.


[Voice] flicker_flash July 9 2010, 17:04:06 UTC
[Blinkblink. Such an innocent look.]

Any of what?


[Voice] chaincutter July 11 2010, 02:33:31 UTC
[Child, don't you even start that with him.]

I'm at the river.


[Voice] flicker_flash July 11 2010, 07:38:55 UTC
Close to home? [She's getting up. And has intentions of finding you, Sigmund.]


[Voice] chaincutter July 11 2010, 16:05:40 UTC
Past the bridge. [He's not feeling all that sociable, but... If Katie asks too many questions, he'll just lie shamelessly. It's only fair.]


[Voice] flicker_flash July 11 2010, 17:43:17 UTC
[Unfortunately for Sigmund she's a curious little thing, and she wants to know what on earth he's doing to make such horrible noises. So she'll just beam at him over the journal and close it.

...and go hunting for a Sigmund.]


[Action] chaincutter July 11 2010, 18:53:31 UTC
[She's welcome to try. It's not like he lied about where he was. Besides, he needs to dry out and reach a good stopping point before he can go home for the day. So he'll be minding his own business by the riverbank, trying to do both.]


[Action] flicker_flash July 12 2010, 16:41:05 UTC
[Well, squires are meant to look after their knights, and she distinctly heard a rather large splash, which means Katie will arrive lugging the largest clean towel she could possibly find. Never mind that in this sort of weather he's probably mostly dried out by now. For all she knows, he might decide to jump in again.

...actually, she looks faintly disappointed that he isn't in the river.]


[Action] chaincutter July 12 2010, 17:16:12 UTC
[Sigmund doesn't stand up when he hears her, because he's sitting on the journal to keep it closed for good this time. He does glance over his shoulder, and raise a hand to gesture her over. ...The hand with his whittling knife in it. Oops.]


[Action] flicker_flash July 13 2010, 09:06:29 UTC
[A knife? Knights don't use knives, they're for-- oh wait. Now, she's curious, padding over quietly.]

Are you making something?


[Action] chaincutter July 16 2010, 15:46:25 UTC
[Sigmund continues working quietly on his flute, although he pauses to sweep away any sharp little wood chips next to him, if she wants to sit down. As she gets closer, she might notice that he looks... odd today. Like the air is rippling around him, or-- no, more like a reflection in a pond, after you've dropped a pebble through it. It's a faint half-image, more not than there, but what little can be made out looks like him only... not quite. There's something subtly different. Something off? Or something more? It's hard to tell.]

A flute.


[Action] flicker_flash July 16 2010, 17:28:58 UTC
[She stops mid-step, gaze suddenly very sharp for a moment. That he's making a flute doesn't surprise her - she's been hearing one on and off for weeks. With the addition of this sight, she wonders just what significance the flute carries.

And there's always the time-honoured way of finding out, she supposes. Continuing on to sit down beside Sigmund, eyes now carefully focused on the flute.]

Did you lose your old one?


[Action] chaincutter July 16 2010, 17:38:03 UTC
[It's always a conversation, isn't it? But it's hard to fault a child for being curious, no matter how ill-timed it is. Unlike other people he's dealt with today, she doesn't know any better.

He turns his head a bit to look at her with tired, half closed eyes, and then tests the note again. Not near ear-splitting anymore, but not quite in tune, either. He stares at it, and then goes on to work on the next one.]

I didn't have one.


[Action] flicker_flash July 16 2010, 18:00:52 UTC
[Sorry, Sigmund. Curiosity of a child; curiosity of a cat. Plain, out and out concern. Though she is quiet for a bit, biting on her lip as she watches him work, before voicing her next question softly.]

Who did?


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